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Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis. Rostock-Trelleborg: no restrictions. Hier können Sie Ihr Profil einsehen sowie Ihre bisherigen Buchungen einsehen bzw. Rostock Port.
Trelleborg Port. Sufficient additional means of hand disinfection are provided in the toilet and public areas on board and in our terminals to ensure adequate hand hygiene for all passengers. Das Tragen von Masken an Bord ist empfohlen, aber nicht vorgeschrieben. In Rostock, you have direct access from the highway to the ferry port - this saves a lot of time! The cargo-passenger ships of TT-Line operate normally despite the coronavirus outbreak. Rostock - Trelleborg. SMS informiert.Aktuell hat unser Service Team sehr viel zu tun.
By continuing to use this website you are agreeing to this. Weather. What's at the port? Anmelden über Ihre Buchungsnummer oder Ihr Profil / Extra Konto TT-Line has also intensified our cleaning routines on board and takes great care to ensure that all surfaces are cleaned regularly. Corona - Informationen zu COVID-19.
bearbeiten.Sie möchten persönliche Beratung zu Ihrer geplanten Reise?Melden Sie sich hier mit Ihrem Stena Line Kundenkonto an, um Ihre Buchung schneller und bequemer abzuschließen.Erstellen Sie jetzt Ihr Extra-Konto und profitieren Sie von den Vorteilen unseres Extra-Bonusprogramms. Swinoujscie-Trelleborg: no restrictions (sanitary control and passengers form to be filled out by the driver before departure) Wearing face masks or equivalent textiles as well as gloves are mandatory in all public places until further notice - this means also in the ferry terminals and parking areas.
Um eine Buchung auf durchführen zu können, müssen Sie Cookies in Ihrem Browser akzeptieren. The corona virus does not spread via the ventilation systems. View your route to Rostock Port on your browser or app. Online check-in is available at the ports of Travemünde, Rostock and Trelleborg. Google Maps.
Büfetts in den Restaurants wurden vorerst abgeschafft, das Essen wird serviert. Rostock Port. To prevent the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, we would like to ask you to inform your drivers about the use of our mobile check-in. Rostock - Trelleborg Two ferries, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Skåne, operate on the route Rostock – Trelleborg, with up to three departures per day. Due to recent server update you need to restart the booking.. Further information can be found Route Map. Information posters indicating hygienic measures to prevent the spread of the virus based on World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines are displayed on board.Our TT-Line employees are medically trained in dealing with cases of illness or suspected illness on board and are regularly provided with all the necessary information and prepared accordingly.The safety of our customers has our full attention and is always our top priority.