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Leadership development opportunities outside of the classroom are highly customized to the needs of working professionals in Wharton’s Executive MBA program. You will experience executive mindfulness and self-reflection sessions designed to help you improve focus and engagement and better manage yourself both personally and professionally.Through guided reflection you will think deeply about how to reenter your organization. And in a global environment today you learn a lot about emerging economies and how they are impacting markets here and how our organizations are accessing opportunities globally.”Nancy Rothbard: “Those are the skills that are going to get you recognized in your career, and that are going to advance you.”Mike Useem: “Anybody with responsibility of almost any kind, whether its managing two people in a small office or 20,000 in a larger company or organization, this is the content you need to get your job done.”Mauro Guillén: “This program is specifically designed to help people achieve professional growth.”Harbir Singh: “We have ways of participating with participants in this program that can allow people to have more of an individualized experience.”Nancy Rothbard: “You’re getting Wharton faculty right to your fingertips when you need it.

Explore our Leadership & Management Certificate Program. But with such varied perspectives, what cultural considerations make the most sense for an organization?This inspirational program culminates in an understanding of making change for the better and how such change can propel your organization into the future.People are the most valuable asset of any business, but they are also the most unpredictable and, often, the most difficult to manage. These certifications are highlighted by real-world case studies, in-depth lessons, and online learning flexibility. The four-course certificate program is 100% online and self-paced so you can study at your own pace. paced online executive leadership certificate program is an effective way to scale learning for … With over 30,000 students from more than 150 countries, EMERITUS delivers management education programs with a live-teaching model coupled with group work and graded assignments. We fully expect half of the programs we will offer in five years to be ones that have yet to be developed.To see our current list of programs, please visit the Senior Leadership section on our For more information, please contact Wharton Client Relations at +1.215.898.1776 or by Fees for the on-campus program include accommodations and meals. Start learning from world-class faculty and with other high-potential leaders. If you’re part of your organization’s management team, you can share leadership insights directly with your team.Investing time to study leadership and management will help you develop your leadership style. Are your managers getting the training they need to make good management decisions?By the end of this course, you’ll have developed the skills you need to start motivating, organizing, and rewarding people in your organization so that you can thrive as a business and as a social organization. Leadership learning through testing, reflection, and application.

Wharton’s Center for Leadership and Change Management was created to support these efforts through research and practical application.

Why would you devote your (already limited) time to pursue a certification? Leaders aren’t able to divulge or discuss everything with their team. All are based on real-time business dynamics, economic challenges and opportunities, global trends, and market shifts.Additions and refinements to the curriculum are constantly considered. As you do this, you’ll also become more confident in your management abilities.Completing a certification in leadership and management demonstrates your business expertise. Online leadership certificate programs incorporate the latest management concepts, such as employee engagement, company culture, incentives and rewards, purpose-driven leadership, and how to lead . “Being in supportive spaces like Wharton helps me navigate in places where there aren’t that many people who look like me.” Wharton alu… Certificate programs strengthen your skills as a leader and decision-maker within your company. For more information about the McNulty Leadership Program and latest news and events, please join us on Twitter and Facebook. Scaling this important learning throughout the organization provides leadership with a consistent framework for cross-divisional talent management.Today’s markets are fast-moving, interconnected, and global in a way that is only increasing. We are preparing these senior leaders for their next challenge within their organizations or beyond, and that means becoming “ambidextrous” in business — seeing all perspectives and being equipped with a new global network and framework to draw upon.Research and experience indicate that five intense weeks (Monday through Saturday) provide the right level of rigor and immersion for a senior management audience.