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Each of these heightened entries states specifically which aspects of the spell change at the given level.

Most spells deal damage or inflict a condition on the target. Spell attacks don’t deal any damage beyond what’s listed in the spell description.In rare cases, a spell might have you make some other type of attack, such as a weapon Strike. Spell Lists. The four traditions are arcane, divine, occult, and primal. Likewise, when you Refocus, you get back a point as long as you follow the guidelines of any abilities that granted you focus spells. Actions with the metamagic trait tweak the properties of your spells, changing their range, damage, or any number of other properties. You use your If you have an innate spell, you can cast it, even if it’s not of a spell level you can normally cast. Most spell ranges are measured in feet, though some can stretch over miles, reach anywhere on the planet, or go even farther!A spell with a range of touch requires you to physically touch the target. Unlike the normal rules for a focus component, you can’t retrieve or stow the focus when making this substitution.If you’re a druid Casting a Spell from the primal tradition while holding a primal focus (such as holly and mistletoe), you can replace any material component the spell requires by using the primal focus as a focus component instead.Unlike the normal rules for a focus component, you can’t retrieve or stow the focus when making this substitution.If you’re a sorcerer Casting a Spell from the magical tradition that matches your bloodline, you can draw on the magic within your blood to replace any material component with a somatic component.A focus is an object that funnels the magical energy of the spell. I have a Level 2 cleric who has 19 Wisdom (+4). )Your gear is absorbed into you; the constant abilities of your gear still function, but you can’t activate any items.Immediately when you finish Casting the Spell, the summoned creature uses its 2 actions for that turn.Summoned creatures can be banished by various spells and effects. The spell gains the manipulate trait and requires you to either have a free hand to retrieve the focus listed in the spell or already be holding the focus in your hand.As part of Casting the Spell, you retrieve the focus (if necessary), manipulate it, and can stow it again if you so choose.Foci tend to be expensive, and you need to acquire them in advance to Cast the Spell.Many spellcasters can gain access to metamagic actions, typically by selecting metamagic feats. M This spell has a material component not normally included in a spell component pouch. You gain the ability to Cast a Spell and use any spellcasting actions necessary to cast your focus spells (see below). For instance, a cleric with focus spells from a good deity can usually Refocus while tending the wounds of their allies, and a wizard of the illusionist school might be able to Refocus while attempting to Spells that affect certain physical or metaphysical forces tend to be grouped into particular magical traditions.Scholars of magic widely agree that all of existence is composed of some combination of four essences, though they disagree on the names and particular qualities of each essence.The following entries discuss each essence and the traditions and spell schools relevant to it; for instance, evocation spells tend to manipulate matter.

Traditions divine, occult. ATTACK CHAOTIC DISEASE EVIL NECROMANCY. Resonate out with a different timbre due to the magic in your words? The GM determines which morph effects can be used together and which can’t.These effects transform the target into a new form. Any Strikes specifically granted by a polymorph effect are magical. Ice Blast (cold) is a good one, adds entangle, and you can still use traditional Metamagic feats/rods with the spell (Intensify is great).

1 person marked this as a favorite. For most spells, the number of components is equal to the number of actions you must spend to Cast the Spell.

Your minion acts on your turn in combat, once per turn, when you spend an action to issue it commands. You can do so while holding something as long as part of your hand is able to touch the target (even if it’s through a glove or gauntlet).A verbal component is a vocalization of words of power.You must speak them in a strong voice, so it’s hard to conceal that you’re Casting a Spell.