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Email the UK Government demanding the rules are changed. Thank you for your support. s devant l’ambassade de Chine, à Bruxelles. Now, nine leaders of the pro-democracy protests have been found guilty of conspiring "to commit public nuisance.” Four have been sentenced to up 16 months imprisonment.This is the first time the government has used these charges against peaceful protestors. Email Greece demanding all charges are dropped.Yiliyasijiang went missing in 2017 and is believed to have been taken to a Chinese ‘re-education camp’. Take action now to make sure they get the help they need.Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is in prison in Iran, but she hasn't committed a crime. Protect Most Vulnerable During The COVID-19 Pandemic Our governments must protect the … Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wir, in Deutschland lebende Hongkonger, bitten Sie um Hilfe. 1 July 2020 Statement on national security law for Hong Kong at UN Human Rights Council (HRC44) Research Hong Kong. In Hong Kong we pride ourselves on the Rule of Law and treating others fairly. Klicke einfach alle gewünschten Felder an und bestätige deine Suche mit einem Klick auf „Anwenden“. s pacifiques au BélarusAlors que 2018 tire à sa fin, profitons de ce moment pour revenir sur les 70 ans qui se sont écoulés depuis l’adoption par les Nations unies de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme et pour nous interroger sur le chemin parcouru.Les dernières nouvelles de nos chercheurs et de leur enquête, rapports, missions mais aussi des personnes pour lesquelles ils agissent et dont ils (...)Le blog de Philippe Hensmans, directeur de la section belge francophone d’Amnesty InternationalDécouvrez ce que nous avons réalisé en 2019 grâce au soutien de milliers de militants et militantes en Belgique. Their imprisonment under these charges sets a precedent for the government to pursue charges against the other 955 people originally arrested for protesting.This is a politically motivated prosecution designed to silence criticism of the government. Email Russia demanding the charges are dropped.Three women have been charged with 'inciting prostitution' for not wearing veils and sentenced to 55 years in prison between them.Mohammed and Hussain were tortured into signing a confession and have been sentenced to death. Urge the Indian embassy to free them now.The repressive national security law will allow Chinese government agencies to operate in Hong Kong. team amnesty; 人權教育. The imprisonment of the Umbrella 9 leaders sets a chilling precedent for them. Registered office 17-25 New Inn Yard London EC2A 3EA.Take action to help individuals at risk and defend human rightsWomen in Northern Ireland are being put at risk due to a complete lack of abortion services during the COVID-19 pandemic. An independent investigation into the use of force by police is a necessary step. WARNING: This website may contain images or names of people who have passed away. Its recommendations can prevent the same situation from reoccurring and break the cycle of violence in the streets.Demand that the Hong Kong government immediately take necessary measures to establish a fully independent mechanism mandated to effectively conduct investigations into inappropriate use of force or other abuse by police, as well as respect and ensure the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly.There are many more people that need your help. 大學 ai club (即將開放) 公眾教育. Many are lied to about their jobs and wages, charged excessive illegal fees, paid less than the Minimum Allowable Wage, and have their passport confiscated. last year, 4 countries have abolished the death penalty. Join her fight against the climate crisis.Elżbieta Podleśna could face two years in prison after being accused of owning a poster of the Virgin Mary with a rainbow halo.Eleven prominent activists are locked up in India after false accusations by the government. Diffuser des affiches, des flyers. Yet the women who come here as domestic workers are systematically exploited by unscrupulous agencies and employers. Rejoignez nos chaînes vidéos : Vous engager sur le long terme pour soutenir un ou des individus en dangerAgir localement, près de chez soi, dans son entourage.