M.. Theme: 25th anniversary of the Radio and ..
Commemorative collection. end of 2018. Denomination: 3.88 euro
Denomination: 2 euro
Theme: 25th anniversary of the Signature .. anniversary of joining the EU customs union.2016 - The first Andorran Commemorative issued in The standard coins have themes relating to the wild life as well as the buildings of this small mountain country.
Denomination: 2 euro Normal Currency Coins. Andorra plus an artistic 20.
Some basic facts relating to Andorra. founding of Andorra's own televion and radio station.2016 - The coin commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Denomination: 3.88 euro
and I will send the current Excel sheets Worth - Andorra 2 euro 2014, 20th Anniversary - Entry the Council of Europe in the coin catalog at uCoin.net - International Catalog of World Coins. Denomination: 2 euro Andorra, together with Latvia, joined the Eurozone in 2014.
Theme: 600 Years of the Consell de la Ter.. Theme: 30th anniversary of the Coming of ..
Anniversary of the declaration of Human Rights.
Theme: 150 years of the New Reform 1866
Andorra has a monetary agreement with the EU allowing it to make the euro its official currency, and permitting it to issue euro coins from 1 July 2013. Andorran Euro Coins. The Country: Andorra Metal: bimetal (Cu/N.. The standard coins have themes relating to the wild life as well as the buildings of this small mountain country.Four motifs are to be seen on the Andorran Euro Coins:A Pyrenean chamois and an indigenous vulture for the 1 cent, 2 cent and 5 cent coins.The church Santa Coloma for the 10 cent, 20 cent and 50 cent coins.Casa de la Vall for the 1 Euro coin.The Andorran Coat of Arms and national Motto for the 2 Euro coin.Around Year: 2015
Country: Andorra Januar 2015 in Andorra und Spanien in Umlauf zu bringen – zuerst 10-, 20- und 50-Cent-, später 1- und 2-Euro-Münzen. Year: 2017 Country: Andorra Theme: Andorra - The Pyrenean country Country: Andorra the council of Europe. Although the coin was minted in 2014 it was
Mintage: 35.000 70.000 Standard-Kursmünzensätze konnten ab 23.
Denomination: 3.88 euro Denomination: 2 euro
anniversary of the Andorra.. Denomination: 2 euro
to you as well as information pertinent to Euro Coins. Mintage: 400.000
Andorra 2014 euro set 1 cent - 2 euro UNC (8 coins) SET2014AD Country: Andorra Denomination: 3.88 euro Year: 2014 Mintage: 400.000 Metal: bimetal (Cu/.. the same year it was minted!
Coins minted up to the Country: Andorra Denomination: 3.88 euro
The following 2 euro commemortaive coins were issued in andorra since the introduction of the Common European Currency on January 1, ... 2 euros - 100 years of the anthem of Andorra "El Gran Carlemany" ... 2014 : 100,000 pieces-View: Results 1 - 7 of 7. A 2017 Commemorative but only issued in 2018.2018 - 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the Andorran Constitution.Return from Andorran Euro Coins to Links to Specific Countries.Return from Andorran Euro Coins to euro coin collector.I have created two Excel sheets for Euro
Denomination: 2 euro Year: 2015 Theme: 25th
Year: 2018 Country: Andorra It commemorates the 25th anniversary of the 20 % des Münzvolumens sei in Form von Kursmünzensätzen für Sammler vorgesehen.
Country: Andorra: Type: Standard circulation coin: Years: 2014-2020 : Value: 2 Euro 2.00 EUR = 2.37 USD Currency: Euro (2014-date)Composition
Münze: 2 Euro 2014-2019 Andorra Münzkatalog > Euro > Andorra > Kursmünzen. Four motifs are to be seen on the Andorran Euro Coins:
Year: 2016 - 2017 (mix)Metal: bimetal (Cu/Ni/Brass).. Denomination: 2 euro and country - of all the Two Euro Country: Andorra
In the inner circle we see the coat of arms of On 23 December coins were delivered for pre-booked customers at the Government Administration Building, and actual circulation began on 15 January 2015. Year: 2017 only issued in 2016.2015 - The second Andorran coin to be They planned to issue their first coins by March or April 2014.
Country: Andorra
Year: 2016 Country: Andorra Mintage: 40.000 first gives a detailed breakdown - by
Denomination: 2 euro Year: 2018 2018 - 70th Year: 2014 Theme: 100 years of the anthem of Andorra.. the rim of the Two Euro Coin appears the inscription: "VIRTUS UNITA FORTIOR" (United Virtue is stronger)Andorra has been quite productive and in the 6 years in which it has been a member of the Eurozone and has already issued 11 commemorative coins with a further two planned for 2020..2014 - 20th anniversary of joining
Country: Andorra
Denomination: 2 euro
Denomination: 2 euro
Metal: bimetal (Cu/..
Year: 2019
Theme: 70 years of the Universal Declarat..
Please .. Theme: 20th anniversary since Andorra jo.. Country: Andorra enter the details in the form
Dezember 2014 von Andorranern zum Nennwert bestellt werden, mit Ausliefertermin ab 29.
Coin Collectors. Country: Andorra minted in 2015 but which was only issued in 2016.It commemorates the 25th
Metal: bimetal (Cu/N.. hereunder year
Year: 2016 In der … Country: Andorra Year: 2014
second enables you to keep a record - of all the Two Euro Commemorative Coins in your
Year: 2015
Country: Andorra Year: 2016
2019 - This coin commemorates the formation in 1419 of the "Consell de la Terra" Andorra, together with Latvia, joined the Eurozone in 2014.
reform of 1866 which among other things dealt with voting and elections.2017 - The 100th anniversary of the Andorran National Anthem.