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Si je le fais, j'obtiens l'erreur ci-dessus. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under But later on when I want to use a "time_t" call after initializing with "RTC_DS1307 RTC;"I get the error "cannot convert 'DateTime' to 'time_t {aka long unsigned int}' in initialization"So I'm assuming one method uses "DateTime" and one method uses "time_t".

This library and its examples were tested on 2016-06-11 with common Arduino boards. Anybody can ask a question Or is the issue more complicated than just a mere conversion between data types?J'ai rencontré un problème en essayant de combiner 2 projets de minuterie Arduino différents que j'ai trouvés en ligne.Pour les deux projets, j'utilise un RTC DS3231, mais j'ai pu utiliser la bibliothèque DS1307 parfaitement dans mon code.Le premier ensemble de code que j'ai ramassé a commencé avec:Le second ensemble de code que j'ai essayé de combiner ne comportait pas ce 'include', mais était plutôt utiliséEn tant que codeur débutant, je ne sais pas trop quelle est la différence entre les deux manières ci-dessus d'appeler cette bibliothèque.Mais je connais le premier moyen d’utiliser "include", si je veux accéder à l’heure actuelle du RTC que j’utilisepar opposition à la deuxième méthode qui nécessite:Et même s’il était facile de trouver de la documentation pour synchroniser le RTC sur l’heure de l’ordinateur via le câble USB à l’aide de ce code pratique:Je ne trouve pas d'alternative facile avec "#include DS1307RTC"J'ai d'abord pensé que la différence entre et RTC.get() était simplement une question de substitution de mot.Mais plus tard, lorsque je veux utiliser un appel "time_t" après l'initialisation avec "RTC_DS1307 RTC;"Je reçois le message d'erreur "impossible de convertir 'DateTime' en 'time_t {aka long unsigned int}' lors de l'initialisation"Donc, je suppose qu'une méthode utilise "DateTime" et une méthode utilise "time_t".Mais je ne suis pas sûr que ce soit le cas et, le cas échéant, comment convertir une valeur "DateTime" en une valeur "time_t".1- Quelqu'un peut-il m'expliquer s'il vous plaît la différence entre "#include DS1307RTC.h" et "RTC_DS1307 RTC;"et comment cela affecte mon code.2- J'aimerais utiliser "" RTC_DS1307 RTC; "uniquement parce qu'il semble facile de synchroniser mon RTC avec mon ordinateur.

For both projects I'm using a DS3231 RTC, but have been able use the DS1307 library just fine in my code.The second set of code I tried to combine did not have this 'include', but instead used As a novice coder, I'm not really sure what the difference between the above two ways to call this library. For example, if a new minute beginsbetween getting the minute and second, the values will be inconsistent. I've been looking and finding information, but still can't quite figure this out. To use the Time library in an Arduino sketch, include TimeLib.h. DateTime Processing:SetArduinoClock 2015-11-19 codebender. The Arduino Time library returns a time_t to the now() function - but RTCLib return s a DateTime object.. This preventserrors if the time rolls over between elements. Detailed answers to any questions you might have DateTime est une classe complète avec beaucoup de méthodes pour cela - un time_t est juste un non signé longtemps.. time_t est utilisé pour stocker le nombre de secondes écoulées depuis l'époque (normalement 01/01/1970). share. Start here for a quick overview of the site

The Overflow Blog But if I do, I get the above error.

Any help/advice greatly appreciated. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Arduino Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled Or is the issue more complicated than just a mere conversion between data types?Thanks for contributing an answer to Arduino Stack Exchange! But if I do, I get the above error. The functions available in the library include there are also functions to return the hour in 12-hour format The time and date functions can take an optional parameter for the time. I've run into an issue trying to combine 2 different Arduino timer projects I've found online. But I do know the first way using "include", if I want to access the current time on the RTC I use And while it was easy to find documentation to sync the RTC to computer time over the USB cable using this handy bit of code:I can find no easy alternative using "#include DS1307RTC" I first thought that the difference between and RTC.get() was just a matter of word substitution. Arduino DateTime library. But I'm not sure if this is the case, and if so, how to convert a "DateTime" value to a "time_t" value.1- Can someone please explain to me the difference between "#include DS1307RTC.h" and "RTC_DS1307 RTC;" and how it impacts my code.2- I'd like to stick with using ""RTC_DS1307 RTC;", only because it seems easy to sync my RTC to my computer.

You'd need to write a constructor for the DateTime class to accept an ISO8601 format string.

Project Name. It only takes a minute to sign up.I've run into an issue trying to combine 2 different Arduino timer projects I've found online. So can someone please tell me how to convert a "RTC now()" call to a "time_t" value? By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Arduino Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for developers of open-source hardware and software that is compatible with Arduino.

A DateTime is a full class with lots of methods to it - a time_t is just an unsigned long.. time_t is used to store the number of seconds since the epoch (normally 01/01/1970). So that my goal is to represent in X axis the time in seconds and Y axis the RSSI related to each second because as you can said me the problem if I represented the TIME_STAMP in the format 13:13:12 there're too many labels If I print all of them. save hide report. 11 comments. Featured on Meta

Quelqu'un peut-il donc me dire comment convertir un appel "RTC now()" à une valeur "time_t" ou le problème est-il plus compliqué qu'une simple conversion entre types de données? (A DateTime object really just uses Unix time internally). But I do know the first way using "include", if I want to access the current time on the RTC I use And while it was easy to find documentation to sync the RTC to computer time over the USB cable using this handy bit of code:I can find no easy alternative using "#include DS1307RTC" I first thought that the difference between and RTC.get() was just a matter of word substitution. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including So can someone please tell me how to convert a "RTC now()" call to a "time_t" value? Using thefollowing functions eliminates this problem Functions for managing the timer services are: Ti…

Discuss the workings and policies of this site Download : The example was slightly modified with a default time, so it will run without needing a separate program to set the time.