The academic advisor for the M. A. The modules available in this group are:You will write a master's thesis in English in one of the module groups chosen in Module Area C: SpecialisationYou have the option of placing a study focus on one of the following areas by accumulating a sufficient number of ECTS credits in specific modules. In this programme, particularly suitable for students with a first degree in social sciences and mid-career professionals in … The ISS has a long experience in this area already.
In this seminar we had to produce, in groups of 2 or 3, a video statement on a particular problem. Therefore I decided to study Development Studies at Passau University to engage in these multifaceted issues.
Admission requirements for Master Development Studies. Five of our alumni have started a development-related PhD program.
Challenges whose causes I always wanted to understand. Critical reflexions on conducting fieldwork in a coastal slum in Sierra Leone” – to name a few. This decision was a turning point in my career and the main reason I chose to pursue a Master’s degree in Development Studies. Qualified students from developing and emerging countries are particularly welcome.For highly qualified graduates from third-world, threshold, or developing countries, the German Academic Exchange Service (Graduates have a wide range of potential career paths within the development field, such as:The module group ‘Foundation Modules’ consists of two examination modules that must be completed by all students:The module group ‘Research Methods’ consists of modules about research methods as well as a research seminar and two research colloquia. This is supported by our motivated professors who are engaging in the named different fields of science. By now, all of our pioneer students have successfully finished their studies and started exciting careers in various development-related fields, such as development consulting, refugee work, legal aid, sustainable coffee production, and others. The MA DEIS is an economics-centered programme with a sound training in analytical and quantitative methods in the fields of development economics as well as business ethics and sustainability. Through my work in a German State Bank and the simultaneous study of business administration, I was able to build the first foundation of economic knowledge in order to understand the basic developments of a national economy. The programme addresses the worldwide need for experts in the expanding field of development research as well as for project managers in international development cooperation. Out of these, 40 students from 19 countries have started their studies. This first degree must have been obtained as part of a programme of study with a minimum standard duration of three years' full-time study.Since opening its doors to the public in 1978, the University of Passau has quickly developed into a first address in German academia.… Renewing cities for the sake of development and preserving historical assets are incredibly difficult to balance. Graduates are have a wide range of potential career paths within the development field, such as:The module group ‘Foundation Modules’ consists of two examination modules that must be completed by all students:The module group ‘Research Methods’ consists of modules about research methods as well as a research seminar and two research colloquia. In October 2018, we welcomed the fourth generation to begin a master in Development Studies here at the University of Passau. The M.A. Since opening its doors to the public in 1978, the University of Passau has quickly developed into a first address in German academia. The small group further allows you close contact and exchange with the professors. 1127 or 1128 Website We continued the research in Penang, Malaysia, which has declared its colonial downtown area a On January 10, 2019, students, lecturers and professors of the program departed to the picturesque village of Neuschönau in the Bavarian Forest for a three-day research trip. Available study focus areas:A first (bachelor’s or equivalent) university degree in a social science, i.e. The period of colonization in this region has left its mark on the people, culture and architecture alike. (Jonathan Bonnemann, student of M.A. The time between the videos serves as a good opportunity for all audience members to engage with the students, professors and staff members of the Master program to gain insights into the depth of Development Studies to possibly find the program suitable for their own future. Since opening its doors to the public in 1978, the University of Passau has quickly developed into a first address in German academia.