Contrairement aux règles en vigueur en France, il n'y a pas de seuil à atteindre pour être représenté au Parlement européen.En 2014, le scrutin, marqué par une faible participation de 20,96%, avait placé en tête le Parti démocratique slovène (centre droit) avec 24,88% et une autre alliance de centre-droit avec 16,56%. A new centre-left party headed by the mayor of Slovenia's capital, Ljubljana, appears to have won a surprise victory in elections, exit polls and partial results suggest. LJUBLJANA (Reuters) - An anti-immigration opposition party won Slovenia’s parliamentary election on Sunday, taking 25 percent of the vote, according to preliminary results. Les électeurs slovènes sont appelés aux urnes le dimanche 26 mai.
En Slovénie, les représentants au Parlement européen sont au nombre de 8 sur un total de 751 pour la législature 2019-2024. Il s'agit d'un scrutin de liste à la proportionnelle dans une circonscription unique avec vote préférentiel. In the run up to the next Slovak parliamentary election, various organisations carry out opinion polling to gauge voting intention in Slovakia.Results of such polls are displayed in this article. The corona crisis with its many political interventions started in March 2020, the last election took place on 03.06.2018. Tout sur le scrutin, les absentions et votes à l'étranger. It was only established in 1991, after Slovenia declared its independence from the Socialist Federalist Republic of Yugoslavia in 1991. The PolitPro election trend therefore allows a quick overview of the different parliaments.The overview shows the most likely coalitions based on the current PolitPro election trend. The blocking clause for these parties is 4%.The chart above shows the development of the poll results from January 2018 to the most recent election polls. This office is a relatively recent development for the Republic of Slovenia. Ever since then, voters have gone to the polls five times and have elected four different Presidents.
Thereby, time dependencies, i.e. Only parties that would enter the parliament are taken into account. The PolitPro AI calculates its own election trend from the latest election polls of leading opinion research institutes.
Les résultats des élections en Slovénie sont présentés ici dès leur publication dans la soirée du 26 mai 2019.Coalition (Slovenska demokratska stranka + Slovenska ljudska stranka)Dernière mise à jour : 2019-05-29T16:46:40.851+0200 The individual values are calculated from a weighted average of the polls. Slovénie : Vivez en direct les résultats des élections européennes 2019 Slovénie. Current election polls in the election trend | Statistics, coalitions & history | Election polls on the election of parliament in Slovenia how long ago a poll was asked, or the accuracy of the institutes are also taken into account.