Doing business in the EU
Teaching material, games and much more about the European Union and its activities, for teachers, children and teenagers
Learning Corner - Teaching material, games and much more about the European Union its activities, for teachers, children teenagers.
Learning Corner. Saved from EU Bookshop: Kids’ corner publications A collection dedicated to Europe's younger citizens, using a lighter approach to familiarise them with the values and colours of Europe.
The European Education Area Removing barriers to learning and improving access to quality education by 2025.; ET Monitor The monitor is Commission's flagship annual publication on education and training in the EU. We need to enhance citizens' knowledge and understanding of the European Union from an early age.
Access European statistics regarding EU education and training policy.Access other important websites related to education and training in the EU. ; Funding opportunities Get essential information on the wide range of funding opportunities the EU provides for training and education. Studying abroad offers students excellent opportunities to expand their skills and broaden their horizons.Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is designed to make it easier for students to move between different countries.Essential information for students from abroad to study in the EU.Supporting education and policy documents can be accessed via this link.Policy dialogue with specific regions and countries around the worldEuropean Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) The EU has a long, successful history of supporting Member States' education and training policies.The European Education Area fosters job creation, economic growth and improved social cohesion.Find out more about EU education initiatives and opportunities to study in Europe.Find out how the EU supports Member State education and training policies.Education and Training 2020 is a forum that allows EU Member States to cooperate in building best practices.The EU seeks to support Member States in maximising the quality of national early childhood education and care provision.The European Commission works with EU countries to develop their school education systems.Vocational education and training (VET) provides learners with skills for personal development and active citizenship.Adult learning is a vital component of the European Union's lifelong learning policy.Inclusive and connected national higher education systems strengthen innovation and skills development across the EU.Cooperation with non-EU countries enhances the quality of education and training in the EU and beyond.Improving and modernising education systems is a key priority for the EU.The European Commission promotes language learning and linguistic diversity across Europe.Find supporting EU education and training resources and tools.Access supporting education and training policy documents.Find information about EU education and training funding opportunities.
Living, working, travelling in the EU European Union Learning Corner | There’s so much to discover about the European Union! Popular topics. Institutions, bodies & agencies – contact & visit details Learning Corner. However, with Brexit, budding Nationalism, and fragmented national responses to the Corona crisis, the European Dream has been questioned in recent years.
The place to engage with European policy and practice for school education, including Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) and Vocational Education and Training (VET). Legislation and case-law
Discover a selection of online resources and tools for learners, teachers and educators.Find answers to your questions regarding the education and training website. Test your knowledge on Europe and the European Union with these games and quizzes. The Commission is in the process of updating some of the content on this website in the light of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Teaching Social Studies Kids Corner Teacher Resources Cool Kids Middle School School Stuff Ipad Education Children. Schools The European Commission works with EU countries to develop their school education systems. If the site contains content that does not yet reflect the withdrawal of the United Kingdom, it is unintentional and will be addressed.Find games, competitions and activity books to help primary and secondary school pupils discover the EU in a fun way, in the classroom or at home.Find games, competitions and activity books to help primary and secondary school pupils discover the EU in a fun way, in the classroom or at home.Removing barriers to learning and improving access to quality education by 2025.The monitor is Commission's flagship annual publication on education and training in the EU.Get essential information on the wide range of funding opportunities the EU provides for training and education.