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| 910g Gisela Matthiae Regarding methods and content, they are situated in theology as well as in gender studies. currency or language preferences), and display features, products and services (e.g. 20,73 € Feministische Theologie, politische Theologie : Entwicklungen und Perspektiven. [Stefanie Schäfer-Bossert; Elisabeth Hartlieb;]
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Swiss journals online. Feminist Theology and Theological Gender Studies are cross-disciplinary endeavours in theology. 9,03 €
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Revues suisses en ligne. Antje Röckemann 10,38 € At this yearâs New Year reception the Centre for Theological Gender Studies received the Equality Price of the WWU for the project Teach Tank âLehrbausteine Gender in Theologieâ. They reflect upon the relevance of sex and gender for Biblical, Historical, Systematic and Practical Theology as well as the structures in which theology is practiced. 11,02 € 12,96 € 11,77 € Contact University of Münster Arbeitsstelle für Theologische Genderforschung.
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