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In a longer-term perspective, carbon footprint from supplies will be additionally reduced through the use of methane-hydrogen fuel. with the Publication of 2018 Annual Financial Report under FSA requirements and 2018 IFRS Financial StatementsConference call with investors on Gazprom Group Financial Statements Publication of Gazprom Group 2018 Financial Statements under IFRS requirementsConference call with investors on Gazprom Group 1Q 2019 Financial Statements under IFRS requirementsPublication of Gazprom Group 1Q 2019 Financial Statements under IFRS requirementsRecord date for participation in Gazprom Annual General Shareholders MeetingRecord date for dividend payout to Gazprom shareholdersJuly (as decided by Annual General Shareholders Meeting)Conference call with investors on Gazprom Group 2Q 2019 Financial Statements under IFRS requirementsPublication of Gazprom Group 2Q 2019 Financial Statements under IFRS requirementsConference call with investors on Gazprom Group 3Q 2019 Financial Statements under IFRS requirementsPublication of Gazprom Group 3Q 2019 Financial Statements under IFRS requirements If desired, Gazprom's contract model offers favorable prices coupled with reliable and flexible supply conditions, which makes Russian pipeline gas the most competitive in the market. Work will continue on reducing operating costs, with the ultimate goal of bringing them down by 2 per cent per year.

The Company’s investment program is based first and foremost on the economic viability of projects and their role in achieving Gazprom’s goals. Gas Export and Enhancing Reliability of Gas Supply to Europe (PDF, 748.3 KB) May 30. Queries about the content Gazprom closely follows the ongoing developments and takes the necessary measures to mitigate a number of adverse factors affecting the suppliers today. this site. *All intraday prices are subject to a delay of fifteen (15) minutes. Annual report 2019; Our strategy; Why invest in Gazprom Neft.

The announcements are supplied by the denoted source. On February 26, 2019, on Investor Day in Hong Kong, Ye. The Investor Day was attended by Andrey Kruglov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, Oleg Aksyutin, Member of the Management Committee and Head of Department at Gazprom, Elena Burmistrova, Director General of Gazprom Export, and representatives of the Company’s relevant subdivisions and its subsidiaries Gazprom … in Europe, Gazprom intends to strengthen its leading positions by using flexible market mechanisms and enhancing supplies via high-tech gas pipelines, which leave a minimal carbon footprint. Am Investorentag nahmen teil: stellvertretender Vorstandsvorsitzender der PAO Gazprom, Andrey Kruglov, Vorstandsmitglied und Departmentleiter, Gazprom nutzt Cookies, die uns helfen, diese Website für Benutzer besser zu gestalten. Gazprom's Financial and Economic Policy (PDF, 1.1 MB) June 18. By commissioning its ambitious pipeline projects, i.e. Meanwhile, optimization of capital expenditures and implementation of a flexible and well-balanced investment strategy will further raise the economic efficiency of Gazprom's activities and boost its investment attractiveness in the long term.Currently, Gazprom's representatives are answering questions from investors and analysts.The second meeting within the framework of the Investor Day will take place on February 13 in London._________________________________________________________________________Media                                                                                 Investment Community+7 (812) 609-34-21                                                             +7 (812) 609-41-29(812) 609-34-05                                              (812) 609-34-31                                        (812) 609-34-27                                                                                                                 © Such results were produced, inter alia, through continuous optimization of operating and investment costs, as well as rigorous cost control.Famil Sadygov also recalled that Gazprom's share price underwent a fundamental reevaluation by Russian and foreign investors in 2019. Corporate governance.

Elena Burmistrova described the tools being used by the Company to meet the new challenges and trends in the global gas market. The Company achieved strong production and financial indicators and for the third consecutive year broke its all-time record of gas exports to non-CIS countries.These results were achieved through following a clear and well-planned development strategy and a conservative financial policy, and thanks to favorable conditions in the oil and gas markets.Among the key items on the agenda was the implementation of the Company’s strategic projects, including Nord Stream 2, TurkStream, and Power of Siberia. By using this site, you agree to use the content for private use only.Please confirm that you are a private investor using the buttons below.We have updated our Privacy and Cookie Policy. 11.02.2020 Gazprom's 15 th Investor Day launched in New York- Sustainable operational and financial results achieved in 2019.- Positions in target sales markets expected to strengthen further.- Attention focused on increasing economic efficiency of activities. 2019 RESULTS GAZPROM INVESTOR DAY2020 POWER OF SIBERIA Chayanda to China part launched in 2019, start of pipeline exports to China MARKET CAP GROWTH IN 2019 +87% (END 2019 TO END 2018 IN USD) GAS PROCESSING Ust-Luga: start of project implementation Amur GPP: >50% completed NATURAL GAS RESERVES* 35 TCM 1243 tcf (16% of global) SUPPLIES TO FSU* 38 BCM 3.7 bcf/d … Investegate reserves the By continuing to use of an announcement should be directed to the source. this site, you agree to allow us to use cookies in your These include the promotion of e-trading via the Electronic Trading Platform. According to provisional data, Gazprom's share in the gas consumption of Europe and Turkey stands at 35.6 per cent. Positions in target sales markets expected to strengthen further.