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Hoping to see a communist revolution, the left wingers rioted in the streets; on the other hand, the nationalist rightists fought back the left wingers and provoked religious arousal. Genelkurmay Başkanlığını yapmış Türk asker ve devlet adamı. Genelkurmay Başkanı'dır. Ezt követően az ankarai Maltepe Katonai Főiskolán végzett, ahol 1938-ban és 1949-ben is diplomát szerzett, mint tüzérségi-, később törzstisztként, ami elindította a karrierjét a hadseregben. Generale dell'esercito turco (di cui arrivò al … Kenan Evren (tur. Cumhurbaşkanı ve Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri'nin 17.

Kenan Evren was born in Alaşehir, Manisa Province. Ins Amt gelangte er durch den Militärputsch von 1980.

Ahmet Kenan Evren was a Turkish politician and military officer, who served as the seventh President of Turkey from 1980 to 1989. Mai 2015 in Ankara) war ein türkischer General und vom 12. With the coup came the After the coup, in 1982, Kenan Evren was elected the Evren took strong measures to ensure that the division between the political left and right would not turn into violence again; the new constitution limited the rights and depoliticized the youth. 4–10. Ahmet Kenan Evren (Alaşehir, 17 luglio 1917 – Ankara, 9 maggio 2015) è stato un politico e generale turco. Digital object identifier:

Kenan Evren Alaşehirben született, Manisa tartományban. Az elemi és középiskoláit Manisában, Balıkesirben és Isztambulban végezte. Evren died at a military hospital in Ankara on 9 May 2015, aged 97.The years leading to the coup were characterized as a fierce struggle between the rightists and leftists. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi'ne devredildi. Universitetet kishin marrë anët dhe secili ishte bërë seli për të majtët ose të djathtët. Evren ile Suç duyurularının ardından 8 Nisan 2011'de Ankara Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı tarafından soruşturma başlatıldı. Juli 1917 in Alaşehir; † 9. Sekine Evren (m. 1944–1982; her death) Bairns: Şenay, Gülay, Miray: Militar service; Allegiance Turkey: Service/branch Turkey Airmy: Years o service: 1938–1983: Rank: General, demotit tae Private in 2014: Kenan Evren (Turkis pronunciation: [keˈnan evˈɾen]; 17 Julie 1917 – 9 Mey 2015) wis a retired Turkis militar officer who wis the sevent Preses o Turkey frae 1980 tae 1989.

Kenan Evren (Nalaşehir, Manisa, 17 de xunetu de 1917 - Ankara, 9 de mayu de 2015) foi un xeneral turcu, líder del golpe d'estáu del 12 de setiembre de 1980 y el 7º presidente de Turquía ente 1980 y 1989. He assumed the post by leading the 1980 military coup. Universities had taken sides and each became headquarters for either the leftists or rightists. After the coup, Kenan Evren was elected as President of Turkey on 7 November 1982 with the 90% approval of the new constitution that was submitted to a controversial referendum, replacing the older constitution which, according to him, had liberties too "luxurious" for Turkey.Evren took strong measures to ensure that the division between the political left and right would not turn into violence again; the new constitution limited the rights and depoliticized the youth.
Responding to a journalist's question regarding the execution of 17-year-old Erdal Eren, he responded "Should we feed him rather than hang him? pp. Militärische Karriere. Kenan Evren (Alaşehir, Manisa, 17 de julio de 1917 - Ankara, 9 de mayo de 2015) [1] fue un general turco, líder del golpe de estado del 12 de septiembre de 1980 y el 7.º presidente de Turquía entre 1980 y 1989.

Asmayalım da … 1918 doğumlu Kenan Evren, 4 Ağustos 2009 tarihinde Ankara Gülhane Tıp Akademisi'nde (GATA) tedavi altına alınmıştı. "After his retirement, he moved to the Turkish Mediterranean resort town of On 2 August 2006, a reported plan for assassinating Evren was thwarted when two men were apprehended and arrested in A previous attempt in 1996 had already been tracked down when two members of the assassination team spoke on a cellphone eavesdropped by the police, and the Islamic call to prayer (In 2004, he revealed that his daughter, Şenay Gürvit, and son-in-law, Erkan Gürvit, are members of the Civilian resentment exists, and there were demands for his being called to account following the On 10 January 2012, Turkish courts decided to press charges against General Kenan Evren and General Evren died at a military hospital in Ankara on 9 May 2015, aged 97.

Ahmet Kenan Evren (17 Temmuz 1917; Alaşehir, Manisa - 9 Mayıs 2015; Ankara), Türk asker ve devlet adamı; Türkiye'nin 7. Evren, 11 Ağustos'ta 2009'da bağırsak ameliyatı olmuştu. Kenan Evren Askeri, Siyasi Hayatı Hayrullah Evren ve Naciye Evren’in dördüncü çocuğu olarak dünyaya gelen Kenan Evren, İstanbul’da amcasının yanında büyümüştür. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi tarafından 12 Eylül 1980'de dönemin Başbakanı 27 Aralık 1979'da kuvvet komutanlarıyla birlikte imzalayarak cumhurbaşkanı 12 Eylül Darbesiyle başlayan dönemde demokrasiden uzaklaşılması 1 Temmuz 1983'te Genelkurmay Başkanlığı görevini Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı Kenan Evren Devlet Başkanlığı ve Cumhurbaşkanlığı sırasında yurt içinde ve dışında birçok gezintiye çıktı.
Nakon završene osnovne i srednje škole, pohađao je u vojnu školu, a kasnije diplomirao na vojnoj akademiji.

November 1989 7.

Hoping to see a communist revolution, the left wingers rioted in the streets; on the other hand, the nationalist rightists fought back the left wingers and provoked religious arousal.