The qualitative and quantitative analysis covered not only word inventories but also exemplary sentences used to illustrate the meaning of new words.
This innovative dictionary registers for each base-word all the collocators possible in German, together, where appropriate, with their meanings and instances of their use.
url= bisher nicht beachteter Beitrag zur Kollokationsproblematik“.
brauch von Kollokationen, dem weitere Übungen gewidmet werden sollten.
All rights reserved.alb der engen Auffassung gibt es MeinungsunterschiedePhraseologismen ein.
brush teeth, dark night, high forehead etc.).
All content in this area was uploaded by Joanna TargonskaAll content in this area was uploaded by Joanna Targonska on Apr 13, 2018 be replaced by any other lexical means.
This productive dictionary is of … Wenn DaF-bungen) und das nächste Mal den Übungsgegenstand darstellen muss.