0000057939 00000 n Detailed profile including pictures, certification details and manufacturer PDF
0000056999 00000 n
Country of origine: Asia. This … 0000059892 00000 n
LUXOR 335 GLASS HALF CUT GLASS BIFACIAL TRANSPARENT ECO LINE - WARRANTY 30 YEARS . ECO LINE HALF CELL FULL BLACK M120 / 305 - 325 W Luxor Solar GmbH | Kornbergstraße 29 | 70176 Stuttgart | Germany | T +49.711.88 888 - 999 | info@luxor-solar.com | www.luxor-solar.com MONOCRYSTALLINE MODULE FAMILY Cross-linking degree test Selection of components Special packing to avoid micro cracks in the cells German warrantor Performance surplus of 0 Wp to 6.49 Wp … Luxor ECO LINE HALF Glas-Glas M120 LX-330M - Transparent Edition - 9 Busbar-Technologie, Halbzellen Glas-Glas-Modul mit schwarz eloxiertem Modulrahmen Das Eco Line Glas-Glas Modul kombiniert die typische und bewährte Wirtschaftlichkeit der Eco Line mit der Langlebigkeit und dem exzellenten Temperaturverhalten eines Glas-Glas Moduls. You are here > SOLAR PANELS > LUXOR 335 GLASS HALF CUT GLASS BIFACIAL TRANSPARENT ECO LINE - WARRANTY 30 YEARS. 0000177155 00000 n Ausführliches Profil mit Bilder, Zertifizierung und PDF von Hersteller Manufactured according to German standard s each Luxor solar module is marked by a special level of durability and reliability.With up to 460Wp, this 144-cell, monocrystalline solar module convinces with its very high wattage. We can supply everything from a simple Food-2-Go cafe ovens to the entire list of bakery equipment needed …
0000058696 00000 n 0000058209 00000 n 0000011599 00000 n 0000029277 00000 n 0000057796 00000 n
Luxor Solar GmbH Solarmodul Serie Eco Line Half Cells M120/315-335W.
0000060153 00000 n 0000019304 00000 n
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LUXOR SOLAR ECO-LINE HALF-CELL. 34 0 obj <> endobj 100%. 0000056635 00000 n Weight: 23kg. 0000058553 00000 n 0000056041 00000 n 0000003547 00000 n 0000057683 00000 n 0000003714 00000 n 0000023840 00000 n
Dimensions (mm): 1720 x 1008 x 30. Clear benchmarks and targets are always the guarantee of consistent quality in production and customer service. This module is the ideal solution for industrial scale equipment. 0000010654 00000 n 0000028075 00000 n 0000011695 00000 n <<555FCC026E1C9B49922B6248656437FB>]/Prev 842359>> 0000057604 00000 n
LUXOR SOLAR; SOLAR MODULES; ECO LINE; Eco Line Half-Cell - SOLAR MODULES ; ECO Line 120 Half-Cell Poly- & Monocrystalline Solar Modules.
0000083105 00000 n Data sheet. 0000131840 00000 n From the open-field facilities, through the tracking system, to the roof-mounted installation.
And this at plus tolerances of 0Wp to 6.49Wp.Further high-end components: An especially durable plugin connection guarantees the best power contact under all conditions, and the hollow-section frame made of anodised aluminium and compatible with every assembly system, is torsionally stiff and corrosion-free. Guaranteed, certified lasting value from the production to the after sales service, customer oriented and always fair. 0000040222 00000 n 0000007756 00000 n It's ideal for usage in residential buildings, commercial plants, & large-scale plants.This monocrystalline solar module with 144 cells, in half-cell architecture, convinces with its very high wattage, is ideal for usage in commercial, large-scale plants & residential buildings.The 144-cell polycrystalline solar module in half-cell architecture is attractively priced.
0000057085 00000 n 0000059579 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n
0000059461 00000 n xref 0000108071 00000 n 0000012283 00000 n 0000010792 00000 n h�b``a``����� � �� ��,��20�`@\" ل��\fl\
0000045602 00000 n 0000035998 00000 n
0000056459 00000 n
0000058022 00000 n
0000059726 00000 n 0000057378 00000 n The module is ideally suited for large-area solar parks and commercial properties. 0000028655 00000 n 0000058096 00000 n
0000056547 00000 n 0000056719 00000 n 0000002382 00000 n
IEC 61215IEC 61730 Eco Line HC_GG_M120/320-340W_11/2019 C B A D 200 W/m2 400 W/m2 600 W/m2 800 W/m2 1000 W/m2 >1100 1720 1008 30 0 A 2 A 4 A 6 A 8 A 10 A 12 A 0 V 10 V 20 V 30 V 40 … 0 Type of cells: full black. ECO LINE HALF CELLS M120 / 315 - 335 W Luxor Solar GmbH | Kornbergstraße 29 | 70176 Stuttgart | Germany | T +49.711.88 888 - 999 | info@luxor-solar.com | www.luxor-solar.com MONOCRYSTALLINE MODULE FAMILY, BLACK FRAME Cross-linking degree test Selection of components Special packing to avoid micro cracks in the cells German warrantor Performance surplus of 0 Wp to 6.49 Wp 15 product … The module is ideally suited for large-area solar parks and commercial properties.This monocrystalline solar module with 120 cells, in half-cell architecture, convinces with its very high wattage, is ideal for usage in commercial and large-scale plants.The 120-cell polycrystalline solar module in half-cell architecture is attractively priced. 0000058352 00000 n Retour. MONO Equipment is a leading designer and manufacturer of bakery equipment in the UK. 0000002069 00000 n 0000002507 00000 n 0000050195 00000 n
The 144- and 120-cell modules with half-cell architecture increase power output of the solar module by lowering resistive power and increasing total reflection. 0000033035 00000 n
LUXOR Solar GmbH stands for innovation in the development and production of branded solar modules by proofed German engineering quality. COMING SOON.
of 0 Wp to 6.49 Wp Higher heat dispensing German warrantor 100% PID free cells MONOCRYSTALLINE MODULE FAMILY, TRANSPARENT, BLACK FRAME CO LINEALF CELL GLASS-GLASS E H M120 / 320 - 340 W . 0000011488 00000 n 0000059809 00000 n 0000060010 00000 n 0000004270 00000 n High-quality solar cell with highest efficiency at the best possible low light behaviour ensure the best energy output.
Power: 335wc. 0000056856 00000 n 0000057167 00000 n
0000029175 00000 n 0000056066 00000 n 0000058435 00000 n 0000052608 00000 n 0000016081 00000 n 0000003827 00000 n Luxor Solar GmbH Solar Panel Series Solo Line P36/10-160W. 34 71 0000057241 00000 n