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Reddit is an English-speaking community, but it may not always seem that way. Reddit is an English-speaking community, but it may not always seem that way. Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English

In the threads where Player 3 enters the battle, doing what you do (specifying who is or isn't the asshole) is the way to go.There's really no hard rule here though. I think he was using it to buy himself a little thinking time.

in Chinese (Traditional)

Tell us about this example sentence:

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. I know wha NTA and YTA meanIs there a comprehensive list of ALL acronyms relevant to reddit?Oh wow! And there's definitely a difference in pronunciation between aw and ah. Comment how you feel is best and let the upvotes/downvotes speak for themselves (unless you're being uncivil or violent, in which case I gotta put my mod pants on.

Nah definition is - not so : no.

I've done this a few times and always got a favorable response.Edit: You're also correct on the difference. I understand being new, and it’s not the end of the world, but c’mon guys. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction.

Sometimes it's not very far and sometimes it's hundreds of comments.The true question is how the hell they miss the huge comment on every single post.That’s my beef with it! It originally appeared in the Italian film Sweden: Heaven and Hell (Svezia, inferno e paradiso).It was a minor radio hit in the U.S. and in Britain, but became better known internationally for its use by The Muppets and on The Benny Hill Show.

Shit sounds like a Bugs Bunny impersonation.

In order to save time and address specific situations, a specialized lexicon has developed around the site. "Mah Nà Mah Nà" is a popular song by Italian composer Piero Umiliani. Nah is an informal version of the word no. Even our veteran users forget from time to time!This happened to me the other day.

English Thanks! The sentence contains offensive content. "Nah Neh Nah" is a song by Belgian band Vaya Con Dios.It was released in 1990 as the first single from the band's second studio album, Night Owls.The music video consists of one single take. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place.

nah definition: 1. slang for no 2. slang for no 3. infml no: .

Note: We have 51 other definitions for NAH in our Acronym Attic. And a bigger difference in meaning. Her work has been published by Forbes and Business Insider.Couple doesn’t get why family is pissed over plans to give their baby a ‘Star Wars’ nameIt’s time to watch ‘Scott Pilgrim vs the World’ on its 10th anniversaryChristian TikToker Cash Baker condemns LGBTQ community and other religions Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets.Browse our dictionary apps today and ensure you are never again lost for words. Crazy thing is that it doesn't even mean this half the time - it's just inserted into conversation as a filler by a lot of the people. {{#verifyErrors}} Click on the arrows to change the translation direction.

?” read their post.

Thanks! If you're on mobile, click the name of a subreddit to take you to a certain r/, in the top right there should be a menu button of sorts that lets you select community info. This way this confusion could be avoided.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English

Because in the post I commented on, there was the OP, someone who hadn’t done anything wrong and someone who had done the OP wrong. I’ve seen many “Do you mean NAH?” that properly remind folks of what the abbreviations mean; I’ve seen others that use this to passive aggressively be obtuse to the poster’s position because they disagree.that would make sense if it weren’t for the fact that the acronyms are auto-modded into every post that gets traction as a commentThe whole sub is a little screwy sometimes especially when something hits the front page I like to dig down in the comments for ppl who actually write a complex responseI like to scroll down to the highest comment that goes against the top judgement. The Meaning of Nah. Reddit is an English-speaking community, but it may not always seem that way.

In order to save time and address specific situations, a specialized lexicon has developed around the site.

According to the dictionary, these meaning are the same although "Nope" and "Nah" are spoken words. Read the comment.On the Reddit viewer app I use, that comment doesn’t appear. The first known use of nah was in 1920. Because of the one person who done OP wrong, I specified my answer to just the OP, rather than saying ‘NAH apart from this person’ or ‘ESH apart from this person’. Your feedback will be reviewed. showing only Slang/Internet Slang definitions (show all 15 definitions). Also, remove this if it’s been posted before.Comment on their post to let them know. Your feedback will be reviewed.

in Chinese (Simplified) I feel like nah might be a little more dismissive than naw?

In order to save time and address specific situations, a specialized lexicon has developed around the site. I think people just rush to say "hey OP you're good" without recognizing the nuance of the other party's stance.I feel like the better fix would be to set up the acronyms in a less confusing way. They may have a different opinion than you.