130-mm gun had a very great impact. It should be noted that in several of the deepest modernization construction tool has been substantially modified and C-70A had almost nothing in common with the original B-7 except caliber. For direct fire crew had sight of TP-47, and to fire from concealed positions offered to equip the self-propelled gun TS-46. If the enemy is using premium ammunition, then it's better to take cover as the enemy can penetrate your front most of the time. Penetration value is the lowest of all arty given that it has more flat trajectory. The mobility on the Object 263 is rather flexible, with great acceleration and top speed, allowing it to get into position very quickly and support your team where needed. This project, Made in the Central Artillery Design Bureau under the VG Grabin risen to more pre-revolutionary naval gun B-7-caliber 130 mm. Die Kleinstadt liegt in der historischen Landschaft Im 13. A kódrefaktorálás a meglévő számítógépes kód átalakításának folyamata - a felépítés megváltoztatása - a külső viselkedésének megváltoztatása nélkül. Since one of the main requirements for the latest ACS was the largest unification with the tank IS-7, its chassis was taken virtually without changes. In contrast to the forehead of the tank IS-7, He was made not by the "pike nose", and represents a single combination of straight panels. However, the project was discontinued.The Object 261 marks the end of its Soviet self-propelled gun line.- Very fast shell travel time for artillery.
While working on "object 263" these choices are "shared" by different aspects of the design and, ultimately, in the program there is only one version, and which was intended for a great future. So, from a distance of two thousand meters-70A instrument with the use of armor-piercing projectile BR-482 was to punch up to 160-170 mm homogeneous armor (at an angle of meetings at 90 °). Rather than using the 203mm gun from the the 212A, it mounts the 180mm which may turn some people off with its lack of damage. The vehicle was supposed to feature a 180-mm naval gun. At first it was created three versions of the newest self-propelled guns, differing from each other by certain aspects of the design.
The Object 268 is a self-propelled gun based on the T-10M heavy tank featuring a 152 mm M-64 cannon.
Les flux audio (mp2, ac3, etc.) The estimated rate of "Object 263" was not great — in a minute the crew could manage to do less than one-half shots. Along the sides of the cabin, on the inner side of them were located holders for ammunition. With all of this general assembly of the housing has been substantially adjusted. Fuel tanks, in turn, is now placed in the middle of the armored hull. The tank also lacks accuracy to hit weakspots, and penetration to go through the frontal armor of tougher targets (unless one opts to keep the stock gun and use a lot of premium ammunition), so challenging extremely durable tanks such as the Against same or lower-tiered tanks however, the Object 263 can be a nightmare to encounter, especially in a corridor where its flanks are covered. A refaktorálás célja a szoftver (nem funkcionális tulajdonságai) tervezésének, felépítésének és/vagy implementációjának javítása, miközben megőrzi a szoftver funkcionalitását.
Popular pages. It was assumed that before the fight crew will drop this item and are able to work without fear of damage to logging. The development of a heavy tank destroyer on the basis of the IS-7 heavy tank was started in 1950. Mandiberg has written software that parses the entirety of the English-language Wikipedia database and programmatically lays out thousands of volumes, complete with covers, and then uploads them for print-on-demand. The same can be said about the suspension, wheels and tracks.