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This spell transforms a creature that you can see within range into a new form. For more information on our use of non-essential Cookies, visit our Privacy Policy

This spell functions like alter self, except that you change the willing subject into another form of living creature. Polymorph Source Core Rulebook pg. Disclaimer. Which are the best True Polymorph forms to cheese this spell? I’ve noticed forum DM’s express how they ban or alter Polymorph in their games to curb its power.

However, it may be helpful to pick a few "staple" forms which you use repeatedly. She’ll do much more damage as a giant ape than she would with cantrips, and she’ll be more durable too. Last Updated: Apr 3, 2017.

When every problem is a nail, it's nice to have a good hammer.

An unwilling creature must make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the effect. You can effectively put away your character sheet and replace it with the stat block out of the Monster Manual.Once you understand how the spell works the most important decision you make is what form to select.

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View and manage file attachments for this page. Polymorph Mechanics and Rules. The target’s game statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. A shapechanger automatically succeeds on this saving throw.

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When it reverts to its normal form, the creature returns to the number of hit points it had before it transformed.

My picks are Death Knight and Adult Red Dragon. Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S, M (a caterpillar cocoon) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour This spell transforms a creature that you can see within range into a new form. @JeremyECrawford.

Players have been heard to say that Polymorph is an automatic choice for initial fourth level spells.

Guidance – Rules 101: Using Polymorph Spells Written by Alex Augunas. Plain polymorph is limited to beast-type creatures, and there is no precedent for giving beasts class levels in 5e. An unwilling creature must make a Updated Dynamic Lighting now does as much and even more than our legacy system!Making custom character sheets is easier than ever with a special, streamlined game type to build and test them!Put your scrollwheel or trackpad to good use! While True Polymorph allows any creature, Polymorph only allows beasts, so this section will analyze available beast forms. However, this requires true polymorph.

While complicated to understand its many angles, it rewards players who invest the time to master it. Green: Good options. 4th-level transmutation. Unfortunately, the highest CR beast is currently the Tyrannosaurus Rex at CR 8.There is no "best" form; every problem requires a different tool. (Certainly, since the only restriction true polymorph places on the target form is on its CR, the notion of a polymorph granting the new form levels in a class is by no means absurd.)

Rules 101 Guidance 5 comments. Maybe bloodshed can be avoided if a party members polymorphs into an attractive beast to seduce the hostile beast. General Wikidot.com documentation and help section. Today, we’re going to be talking about polymorph spells. Comment with any questions and I promise to answer within a few days.If you want to further explore spells to expand your knowledge, you can find a growing number of spell analysis articles And these are some of my favorite spells that I’ve analyzed:And Opal has compiled spell lists of recommended spells for various classes:The true test of your spell knowledge will come as you play with your friends, so get out there and play some D&D! For these reasons, let’s explore why Polymorph receives such hype and is the topic of much discussion!I’ll bring it up a few times in this article, but before you get too far, I highly recommend you download my While polymorphed, a creature becomes a beast, which means spells that affect beasts may succeed against a polymorphed creature. If a spellcaster is out of spells, it may be better to transform her into a giant ape.

The Polymorph spell has undergone more revisions than another ability in the entirety of the history of Dungeons & Dragons.

Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. What exactly changes/happens when a creature is polymorphed? My druid has lately been using Giant Ape to bait and tank bosses, and has been surprisingly lucky with con saves to keep concentrating. Something does not work as expected? Let us begin by breaking down the finer points of this spell’s mechanics in its description: Transforms a visible creature within sixty feet. The transformation lasts for the duration, or until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies.

From Jeremy Crawford, lead rules designer: Polymorph replaces your game statistics, including class features, with those of the beast.

Append content without editing the whole page source. Polymorph doesn’t heal, but it can give someone an effective buffer of hitpoints exceeding 100 hitpoints. If you’re a DM that is experiencing Polymorph as a spell that lowers the variety and quality of your game, I recommend you try to give the players challenges that Polymorph won’t solve (I suspect this article will give you ideas to do so).