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There are nine operational banks with branches in Prizren, All the main roads connecting the major villages with the urban centre are asphalted. There is no sewage system in the villages. The primary health sector has 475 employees, including doctors, nurses and support staff, 264 female and 211 male.

Most livestock breeding and agricultural production are private, informal, and small-scale. Power supply is still a problem, especially during the winter and in the villages.Prizren is home to the annually held documentary film festival The city is also home to numerous mosques, Orthodox and Catholic churches and other monuments. The hospital employs 778 workers, including 155 doctors, and is equipped with emergency and intensive care units. For Timeline of the History of Kosovo including many places in Prizren, see Kosovo is the subject of a territorial dispute between the Procopius. There is also a public university in Prizren, offering lectures in Albanian, Bosnian, and Turkish. p. 97.Freundlich, Leo (1913). The word "Ngom" means "Listen to me" in the 40BunarFest is an annual non traditional festival of alternative sport held in Prizren. LacusCurtius. Itt kötötték meg 1878-ban a Prizreni vagy Albán Ligát, melynek célja egy autonóm Albánia megteremtése volt az Oszmán Birodalmon belül.A második világháború alatt a város az olasz függésben lévő Nagy-Albánia része volt. Az ország második legnépesebb városa, az azonos nevű község és körzet székhelye.. A város minaretjeivel, templomaival és oszmán-kori építészeti örökségével Koszovó legszebb városának számít., Miranda (1995). mieszkańców ().Drugie co do wielkości miasto Kosowa. Prizren (Albanian: Prizreni, Serbian Cyrillic: Призрен) is a city and municipality located in the Prizren District of Kosovo. Among them: The Albanians: A Modern History. "Buildings".

Catholic parishes served After several years of attack and counterattack, the During the late 19th century the city became a focal point for Albanian nationalism and saw the creation in 1878 of the In 1944, German forces were driven out of Kosovo by a combined Russian-Bulgarian force, and then the Communist government of Yugoslavia took control.For many years after the restoration of Serbian rule, Prizren and the region of The town of Prizren did not suffer much during the At the end of the war in June 1999, most of the Albanian population returned to Prizren. A 2004-es koszovói zavargások során az albánok több szerb műemléket is megrongáltak Prizrenben, köztük az UNESCO Világörökség részét képező Ljeviš-katedrálist.Prizren lakossága a 2011-es népszámlálás szerint 177.781 fő volt.A lakosság nemzetiségi megoszlása a 2011-es népszámlálás szerint: Koszovó NATO-megszállását követően viszont a szerb és roma kisebbség kényszerült a város elhagyására. The primary health care system includes 14 municipal family health centres and 26 health houses. A városban nagyrészt kis és középvállalkozások, illetve az állami szektor biztosítja a munkahelyeket. Prizren továbbra is albán többségű város maradt, népessége gyorsan növekedett. 1018). A szocialista Jugoszlávia 1946-ban autonómiát adott Koszovónak, amit az évtizedek során fokozatosan bővített.
Retrieved 29 June 2014. The Buildings, English translation (Dewing, 1935) at LacusCurtius.Byzantium's Balkan frontier, p. 142; Scylitzes Continuatus: 163The Human Rights Centre, Law Faculty, University of Pristina, 2009 TKGM, TD № 55 (412), (Defter sandžaka Prizren iz 1591. godine).Kosovo is the subject of a territorial dispute between the Prizren (alb. Prizren (albaneză Prizren sau Prizreni sârbă Призрен, cu alfabetul latin: Prizren turcă Prizren) este un oraș istoric situat în sudul provinciei Kosovo.Este de asemenea și reședința districtului Prizren.. Orașul are o populație de aproxamativ 170.000, cei mai mulți fiind de etnie albaneză. According to the 2011 census, the city of Prizren has 85,119 inhabitants, while the municipality has 177,781 inhabitants. Larger grocery and department stores have recentlyThere are three agricultural co-operatives in three villages. Regional hospital in Prizren offers services to approximately 250,000 residents.
Bulgarian rule was replaced by Byzantine rule in the early eleventh century.In 1072, the Bulgarian and Serb nobility of Macedonia The Catholic church retained some influence in the area; 14th-century documents refer to a catholic church in Prizren, which was the seat of a bishopric between the 1330s and 1380s.