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{"difficulty":"[[File:Grandmaster.svg|7px|Grandmaster|link=]] Grandmaster","kills":"* Multiple wight footsoldiers\n* Multiple wight archers\n* Multiple imbued wight footsoldiers\n* Multiple unstable wight footsoldiers\n* [[Nomad]] x2 (level 799)\n* [[Linza the Disgraced]] (level 150)\n* [[Gregorovic]] (level 1,000)\n* [[Sliske]]","name":"Sliske's Endgame","items":"* [[Black Knights' Fortress#Equipment that allows access to the fort|A disguise with which to enter the Black Knights' Fortress]]\n** Alternatively, the [[Dulcin armour]] cosmetic override or the teleport option on the [[Skull of Remembrance]] can be used\n** Alternatively, the [[Communication device]] from [[Dishonour among Thieves]] may be used to teleport to Zamorak. If you step on a mine, you will take massive damage and lose all of your run energy. At the top of the staircase, you will be met by another god, with whom you will race to the Sliske will give you a "headstart" of sorts, binding the opponent for a short time. Once all three are defeated, A good strategy for this fight is to take out either Leaving Gregorovic for last is not recommended as his shadow clone attack occurs every few seconds which in addition to increased healing from his summon can result in him healing quicker than you can damage him. A cutscene will begin where you fight Sliske with the After Sliske's death, you will find yourself on a platform with Seren and Zaros. This Quest Guide was written by ChathMurrpau and Owain121. Not all puzzles need to be completed to get through the mazes, depending on the route you take. Sliske's Endgame is the finale to the Sliske quest series, released on 19 December 2016. In addition to this, the player can choose who they will face in the final race for the Stone of Jas (Armadyl, Saradomin, Zamorak or the one determined by the player's choices). If the player reaches this point first, they get the same choice. If you get a room with shadow casters and the command Take Mask is visible when you rollover a caster, then you need to:

Regardless of whether she was restored with the dark shard or not, Seren makes no attempt to rebind Zamorak's demon pact with Zaros. ","start":"Speak to [[Relomia]] in [[Draynor Village]]. Each shadow clone has 3,000 life points. In my opinion there aren’t that many guides that actually help players with relatively low combat stats to complete this quest.

Make your way towards the Stone of Jas. Replays were added to the game on But one thing is for certain - your actions will have a direct effect on the outcome, and will be reflected in future content. It involves the culmination of Sliske's plan, reaching as far back as the assassination of Guthix. Wave 3 contains multiple parts. Make sure your compass is pointing north after changing sections.

She will also ask you to personally invite all of the gods. After a month of the replayability being released, there were only around 300 people that had replayed the quest, with Jagex branding that number as insignificant, and thus have been dissuaded from adding replayability to other quests.Jagex has said that a player's canon playthrough will become locked upon starting the next quest to continue on from Sliske's Endgame. If Zamorak wins, Zaros will invoke the demon pact that he made with Zamorak in If Seren is restored without the dark shard in The Light Within, Seren will not attempt to reweave the threads of fate that bind Armadyl or Saradomin to Zaros. When the player awakens, Relomia will be strangely cheerful, and gives players their rewards. The cutscenes have little impact on the quest, but the puzzles do.

It is recommended to read through the next 3 waves before continuing the quest, as you will constantly be under attack for an extended period of time. This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Thu, Jan 12, 2017, at 05:23:34 PM by ChathMurrpau, and it was last updated on … Your run energy will stay at 100% while you are in the labyrinth. These pieces are listed below in order of suggested completion. Kill Nomad.. Use Deflect Ranged while fighting him; Nomad plants mines and Gregorovic rains damage on the arena. ","start":"Speak to [[Relomia]] in [[Draynor Village]]. Make sure to walk off of marked tiles. If you get a room with a spotlight then you need to stand in the spotlight till the bar fills up. Each labyrinth has 4 sections (2x2) each consisting of 8x8 rooms.

Sliske's Endgame boss fight at recommended combat lvl (guide) This is the first post I’ve made on Reddit, so please forgive me if something isn’t as it should be.

Nomad uses his standard auto-attacks and will also place mines around you occasionally, which you should avoid stepping on. Choices given in the labyrinth do not affect the maze itself, but may affect later outcomes and future quests. Starting out Attempt to chop the tree approximately 10 paces west and 10 paces south of the crate in McGrubor's Wood., Read the mysterious clue scroll.