Influential advocates of various forms of corporal punishment include In 1975, Prescott outlined a link between violence and disruption of the child-mother bonding process in human societies, drawing on a cross-cultural study of Aboriginal societies and a statistical analysis of those cultures' practices towards the nurturing of the natural child-mother bonding process, and an examination of historical attitudes towards children from Euramerican literature and the historical record.He concluded that the disrupted child-mother bonding process was an absolute predictor of the emergence of violence, hierarchy, rigid gender roles, a dominatory psychology and violent territorial acquisition. She takes the view that "poisonous pedagogy" is a behavior that is passed on from generation to generation by being euphemized and sanitized. Die von seinem Sohn Paul, einem erfolgreichen Juristen, nach dem eigenen Schicksal verfasste Schrift ,,Denkwürdigkeiten eines Nervenkranken“ hat Siegmund Freud bei der Entwicklung der Psychoanalyse herangezogen.Der Würzbuger Theologieprofessor und Schriftsteller Klaas Huizing, Jahrgang 1958, lehnt sich mit der Dramatisierung seines auf das Jahr 2008 zurückgehenden Romans ,,In Schrebers Garten“ in einer fiktionalisierten Form eng an die verbürgten Familienverhältnisse an. Il préconise également l'usage des bains glacés à titre d'outil éducatif. Schreber was the founder of the eponymous "Schreber movement", although that term was used only after his death. Nach dem Abitur an der Leipziger Thomas-Schule 1826 nahm Gerade das Beispiel des armen Daumenlutschers Konrad hält die Direktorin des Frankfurter Sigmund-Freud-Instituts, Marianne Leuzinger Bohleber, „für fast sadistische schwarze Pädagogik“. Intervening upon and disrupting natural adolescent sexuality also formed part of the overall picture. "Poisonous pedagogy" is described by these theorists as what happens when a parent (or teacher, nurse, or other caregiver) believes that a young child's behavior demonstrates that the child is infected with the "seeds of evil", and therefore attempts to weed out the evil, either by For methods, Rutschky claims, "poisonous pedagogy" makes use of initiation rites (for example, internalizing a threat of death), the application of pain (including psychological), the totalitarian supervision of the child (body control, behavior, obedience, prohibition of lying, etc.
The expression "Spare the rod and spoil the child" derives from the Bible, Proverbs, 13:24, and was adapted by One German child-raising book in the 18th century said: Miller has written: "I understand 'black pedagogy' to be a parenting approach that is directed toward breaking the will of the child, in order to make it an A relevant criterion in defining poisonous pedagogy is if a manipulative approach reveals behavioural issues in the parent such as a Miller also came to the conclusion, as a result of her therapeutic work, that she needed to "work on" her own childhood in order to understand her clients better. Die Echos der Psyche gleichenden Klangbilder der auf Schiedsrichtertürmen postierten Musikerinnen Katia Bouscarrut und Milena Ivanova an Klavier und Cello leisten neben dem hervorragenden Ensemble einen gewichtigen Beitrag zu einer betroffenheitsfernen Eindrücklichkeit. In einem weiteren Sinne wird unter schwarzer Pädagogik schlagwortartig auch jede Erziehung verstanden, die Erziehungsmittel wie Gewalt, Einschüchterung und Erniedrigung verwendet.
Dans un recueil de textes sur l’éducation allemande des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, publié en 1977 sous le titre de Schwarze Pädagogik, Katharina Rutschky fit un inventaire des techniques de conditionnement éducatif auxquelles recouraient à l’époque les adultes pour briser la volonté de l’enfant sans que ce dernier ne soit jamais en mesure de retrouver par lui-même l’origine d’une telle répression. April 1911 ebendort. According to Alice Miller, Schreber was a foremost figure of what she called poisonous pedagogy, in a translation of Katharina Rutschky's term Schwarze Pädagogik (literally: black pedagogy). Schreber advocated both his "systematic remedial exercises" and countryside exercise for urban youth.