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gegnerischer Champions, und markiert diese Schwachstellen mit einem Bogen in eine der vier Himmelsrichtungen. [prevents Braum and Kennen from applying the last stack of their passives]

The most recent one was released on 14 May 2020. Fiora lunges in a direction and stabs a nearby enemy, dealing physical damage and applying on-hit effects. This stab slows the first enemy champion hit, or stuns them if Fiora blocked an immobilizing effect with this ability.Fiora has increased attack speed for the next two attacks.

Jetzt verfolgt sie ihn auf seiner Suche nach dem sagenumwobenen Jadeschwert, um es vor dem Mann zu beschützen, den sie einst liebte.Fiora sieht sich gerne als die ultimative Rivalin in Sachen Romantik – eine Duellantin, deren Schwert- und Liebeskunst unübertroffen ist. Ihr Vater gab auf, doch selbst im Moment des Sieges wusste Fiora, dass ihr Ansehen noch immer befleckt war. She will settle for nothing less than the world’s acknowledgement of her mastery. We’re pulling back a bit on the changes to her passive in response.Playing around Vitals gives Fiora a lot of power, but her opponents are at too much of a disadvantage to stop her from doing so. Pages modified between June 2016 and September 2017 are adapted from information taken from EsportsWikis.com. On the eve of an arranged duel, authorities caught Fiora's father slipping a paralysis poison into his opponent’s drink. To lose would see House Laurent ruined and his daughter exiled in disgrace. This was to get some elements of play and mastery in the mix, as well as preventing pure randomness from messing with either Fiora or her opponent. Gamepedia's League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends. An online multiplayer session-based game where rival teams compete against one another for victory on highly stylized battlefields and landscapes.Mild Suggestive Themes, Fantasy Violence, Blood, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco Remove a particularly abusive priming case that On release, Duelist's Dance would alternate on spawn location between either the two 'front' vitals (facing blue side) or the two 'back' vitals (the ones facing red side).
Visit our community today! Schwachstellen brauchen 0,5 Sekunden, um erkannt zu werden, können erst nach 2 Sekunden ausgelöst werden und sind dann für 15 Sekunden aktiv, wenn Fiora. Sie schaffte es jedoch nie, sein Herz für sich zu gewinnen. In a world with Bramble Vest, however, Fiora’s dealing less damage (opponents have more armor) and sustaining less off Vital procs (Bramble Vest’s Grievous Wounds), so that handicap no longer makes sense. You CANNOT spellshield against it. Fiora took no pleasure in such a slaying, but the fool had left her little choice.

If Fiora hits all 4 Vitals or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora and her allies in the area are healed over the next few seconds.Download the League app to stay connected to friends and the latest game and esports news.
Gamepedia's League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends. Give opponents more windows to stick damage on Fiora, particularly when she misplays. “My lady” said Ammdar, her second older brother, handing her a mid-length rapier with a bluesteel blade upon which light moved like oil. Der Dekan möchte alle Schüler daran erinnern, dass ein solches Zusammentreffen fatale Folgen nach sich ziehen könnte, und ermutigt jeden erneut dazu, sich den Verhaltenskodex der Akademie zu Gemüte zu führen. 1. She boasts the refinement of an aristocratic upbringing, and a fierce devotion to the perfection of her craft. Yet even here, she is not without pragmatic cunning, offering each challenger a way out that will allow honor to be satisfied without death. Gamepedia's League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends.