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"He then asked Putin to attend the event as his "guest of honor" and suggested a private meeting with the Russian president for unspecified reasons in the days before the pageant.The printed letter also carried a handwritten message at the bottom in Trump's signature all-caps style that said: "THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN! Children imitate their parents and other role models.

But the Trump team is catching on fast.The first technique that the Trump administration appears to be appropriating from Moscow is a kind of chaos theory. "The letter was dated June 26, 2013.

August 16, 2020 at 9:12 am EDT By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment “President Trump has told aides he’d like to hold an in-person meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin before the November election,” NBC News reports “Administration officials have explored various times and locations for another Trump-Putin summit, …

How can they bring clarity and truth to this "fog of unknowability"?Assume everything that Donald Trump and his spokespeople say is a lie until proven otherwise. It is objectively true that Trump and Stephen Miller are white supremacists. "What should the American news media do, in its role as supposed guardian of democracy, to counter Donald Trump's Putin-esque attacks on the truth and the country's social and political institutions? To that end, the Trump regime has even inserted right-wing operatives into the White House audience. It is a pity we were not able to have our meeting, but I hope we will be able to talk during one of your visits to Russia. SALON ® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of, LLC. His essays can also be found at Copyright © 2019, LLC. He is Putin's willing and eager apprentice.

Over time, this chaos creates what Pomerantsev describes as a "fog of unknowability.

By clogging the news with mini-scandals, bald-faced lies, and provocative tweets, the White House sends journalists and media outlets into a haphazard frenzy. As Election Day approaches, Trump is rapidly escalating his assaults on American democracy, freedom, the rule of law and the country's political and social institutions, The evidence for a teacher-student mentoring relationship between I believe that 20 years from now [Mick] Mulvaney and [Mark] Meadows and the other chiefs of staff and senior Trump officials are going to acknowledge that they believe that Putin was Trump's coach. 2020-08-19T11:37:55Z Yours sincerely, V.

On June 18, 2013, Trump had Putin did not attend the contest but sent a senior Kremlin official in his place, according to the Senate report.Putin also replied to the letter, attaching a decorative lacquer box as a gift.The unofficial translation of the letter included in the package said: "Dear Mr. Trump, I would like to congratulate you and your colleagues on successfully holding the Miss Universe contest in Moscow. If that occurs, they should turn their backs in protest or simply walk out.The Trump regime's assaults on the rule of law, the Constitution, civil and human rights, and human decency are not errors or mistakes. Associated Press articles: Copyright © 2016 The Associated Press.

It is a rare occasion when a parent explicitly says to a child "I am going to teach you today." The press is constantly scrambling to respond to a never-ending river of slime, and the system is gradually overwhelmed. The Trump administration deserves no presumption of honesty or an assumption that its behavior is well-intentioned. Dáte will likely be barred from the White House, perhaps forever, but he provided an example of the principle that a reporter has a sacred responsibility to the truth.Since 2015, the mainstream American news media has mostly betrayed its best principles by helping to normalize Donald Trump and his movement.

Putin has been in power, on and off, for close to two decades. White House press secretary Sean Spicer's early press conferences suggest that he too will serve as media antagonist, baiting reporters with arrogant fallacies and extending the Trump regime's brand of bullying truth and democratic values into wary submission….

"Congratulations on being named Time magazine's 'Man of the Year' — you definitely deserve it. Journalists and opinion leaders who use such framing when discussing a fascist regime are complicit.When Trump or his spokespeople lie, they should be directly confronted with the facts and follow-up questions.There are role models to follow.
