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Unsere ortübergreifende Gemeinschaftspraxis besitzt Standorte in: Falkensee: MRT, CT, Röntgen, Mammographie; Rathenow: CT, MRT, Röntgen, Ultraschall; Für die Anfertigung von Röntgenaufnahmen während der angegebenen Öffnungszeiten ist in Falkensee und … Wir verstehen uns als Ihr Partner auf Augenhöhe, der Ihnen mit präziser Diagnostik und minimalinvasiven Therapien eine Gesundheitsversorgung auf … Herzlich willkommen bei Ihre-Radiologen.de in Berlin • Familienfreundliche Praxis For the past 17 years, iRad and medavis have been working closely together and have adapted the RIS to the changing medical requirements. Privatarztpraxis Rathenow an der Havelland Klinik It also should support the workflow by sending the patient details to the worklist of the findings provider as soon as the technician carried out the examination. “With medavis, we have reached a new efficiency for scheduling,” Dr. Friedburg says pleased. • Dr. med. Für weitere Informationen können Sie sich gern weiter belesen unter: • Vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit mit den zuweisenden Ärzten Dr. med. Wir wachsen weiter. 103 likes. 9 14612 Falkensee. Samstags) versuchen wir auf Ihre Bedürfnisse einzugehen. Hier ein kleiner Beitrag über die momentane Situation an unseren beiden Havelländer Standorten: If a new patient calls, you can create a new record and already document the details relevant for the examination. Therefore we looked around for a new system. Wolfgang Rahn Ihre Radiologie in Villingen-Schwenningen mps VM. I am curious how we can improve how we work with the system and optimise our workflows with the results that we shall shortly receive.” This “Checkup” is an offer by medavis especially for long-time users to change routine habits that stand in the way of optimally using the system in its current version.

Both sites benefit from the central CALL CENTER for scheduling patients. Entwicklung eines MRT-Verfahrens für Bewegtbilder aus dem Körperinneren the integration of computer-assisted diagnosis. PACS makes all pictures available in less than one minute, independent of how many studies the patient has. Ihre Radiologen in Berlin, reviews by real people. Loading... Unsubscribe from mps VM? Herzlich willkommen bei Ihre-Radiologen.de in Berlin Wählen Sie den Standort aus, der für Sie am Besten erreichbar ist. If the patient has already been to the imaging center, the number will be recognised and the record will open automatically. In addition, an IT employee of iRad trained by medavis, who knows the system very well, takes care that the system runs reliably.
As we immediately scan external reports and import external images with reference to date and time and store it in the respective record, we have a complete overview of the patient history independent of the site,” explains Dr. Friedburg. MRT-Untersuchungszeiten: Montags–Donnerstags: 06.00–19.00 Uhr Freitags: 06.00–12.00 Uhr. Ralf Wandt Optimal Workflows generate more Time for Patients and Job Satisfaction When established in October 2013, the imaging center “Radiologie Gersag” decided to...Experts work withmedavis RIS Success Story Thomas Heim, Physician for Radiology and Radiotherapy and his ColleaguesRadiological Center North, BerlinThe IT solution for the radiology fulfills all expectations, runs smoothly and convinces as reference installation...Efficient Workflows and enthusiastic Referrers Radiologicum Donauwoerth secures pole position with medavis RIS Success Story Marko Molnar, Senior MTRA and Head of ITRadiologicum in Donauwörth Germany The Radiologicum is a radiological imaging center in the northern...MRI Zürich 5 Stars for Quality, Speed and Reliability Success Story Simon Preisig, Head of ITDr. An offer Dr. Friedburg gladly accepts time and again: “The longer you work with an IT system, the more routine-blinded you become. The employees work in a separate room in order not to impede the registration at the front desk and can work without interruptions. Radiologisches Versorgungszentrum: Tempelhof am St. Joseph Krankenhaus Wählen Sie den Standort aus, der für Sie am Besten erreichbar ist. Samstags) versuchen wir auf Ihre Bedürfnisse einzugehen. “Our colleagues found it difficult at first, just as with every software change. Die Wahl der (bestmöglichen) gesundheitlichen Betreuung hängt u. a. maßgeblich vom wissenschaftlichen Stand des Fachbereichs ab. Diagnostikangebot: MRT „The voice recognition is a good example of this. Radiologisches Versorgungszentrum: Charlottenburg am Paulinenkrankenhaus med. Patient registration has become more demanding. Local public transport (ÖPNV) S-Bahn - S Sundgauer Str. Radiologisches Versorgungszentrum: Zehlendorf in der Zehlendorfer Welle not plausible, as services that rule each other out have been entered, the responsible staff receives a notification in order to make sure that the correct invoice is sent. We also document the patient’s consent for the procedure in RIS,” Dr. Friedburg summarises.In the course of the merger with the imaging center in Durlach in 2012, it was important, that medavis RIS would be used as central system at both sites.