Simply tell us where you are and we’ll give you a network update.
Það sama má segja um skekkjur í gögnum, eins og landupplýsingakerfum og upplýsingum um senda, þó svo að leitast sé við að upplýsingarnar séu eins réttar og kostur er.Öll kerfin bjóða upp á gagnatengingu og er mesti hraðinn jafnan á 4G kerfinu en til að tengjast því þarf viðeigandi notendabúnað. Mobile settings . Þar á meðal eru t.d. Vodafone Iceland is a telecommunications company that offers all the core aspects of telecommunications to individuals, businesses, institutions and public bodies.
Styrkur merkis sem sýndur er á korti
2G kerfið (GSM) gefur kost á EDGE gagnatengingu þar sem önnur kerfi eru ekki í boði. Það byggir á tölvugerðri útbreiðsluspá sem gefur almennt nokkuð rétta mynd af raunverulegum móttökustyrk hvers kerfis.
Þar á meðal eru t.d. Although the result gives a good indication of the real network coverage it should be advised that many things in the environment can affect the real coverage. ýmislegt í umhverfinu getur haft áhrif á merkið í raunveruleikanum. Country list. Choose a package that suites your needs and get 30 days of worry free mobile data. Whether you’re looking for a prepaid SIM card for your handset, a 3G or 4G Internet connection or 4G roaming, Vodafone can assist you with all your connection needs.Making international calls from Iceland with Vodafone is easy; the company’s prepaid SIM cards allow you to make calls back home anytime, anywhere, at a low-cost calling rate.
Also numerous hotels, tourist information centres and tourist boutiques sell our prepaid starter kits.Get a free Vodafone SIM-card at your nearest Arion branch. The map shows the predicted coverage for each mobile network.
Vodafone Iceland bases its service and product selection on its co-operation with Vodafone Group Plc.
Hafa ber þó í huga að um er að ræða spá og því þarf að hafa fyrirvara á því að ýmislegt í umhverfinu getur haft áhrif á merkið í raunveruleikanum. The Vodafone starter kit is offered at the 10-11 shop in the arrival hall at Keflavík International Airport and the Elko stores at the airport.If you are travelling to Iceland with Smyril Line on the Norröna ferry, seek out our reseller Myndsmidjan in Egilsstaðir to get a starter kit.. Although the result gives a good indication of the real network coverage it should be advised that many things in the environment can affect the real coverage. Það sama má segja um skekkjur í gögnum, Styrkur merkis sem sýndur er á korti gefur ekki endilega til kynna hver gæði eða hraði gagnatengingar getur verið, þar sem ýmsir aðrir tæknilegir þættir geta haft áhrif á hann. Coverage. Use our interactive map to check the Vodafone network coverage in your area. It is produced in a software that is especially designed for this kind of work. In the Vodafone Premium Starter Pack, minutes for international calls are included. Vodafone‘s network around Iceland includes branded stores, partners and resellers across the country. View Vodafone Ireland's 4G, 3G and 2G mobile phone network coverage map.
Note that strong signal does not necessarily translate into good signal quality or high throughput. Alternatively, send an email to Vodafone strongly encourages everyone staying in Iceland to get the app Rakning C-19.
{{nscUpdateTime}} Coverage may vary by location. Kortið sýnir áætlaða útbreiðslu farsímakerfanna. What's our coverage? Vodafone … This map shows a computer generated prediction in a given area. byggingar og byggingarefni, gróður og jafnvel veðurfar en allt þetta og meira til getur haft áhrif á nákvæmni kortanna. We´ve built extensive 4G and 3G networks throughout Iceland you can easily use, either for 3G or 4G roaming or by using our local, conveniant starter kits.
Vodafone Ireland network coverage - see our mobile and broadband troubleshooting help or contact our Network Crew if you have a problem. Kortið sýnir áætlaða útbreiðslu farsímakerfanna. This includes buildings, building material, vegetation (trees), man-made structures and even weather.
Check the Vodafone network and coverage in your area and get up-to-date info on things that might affect your signal. Personal; Business; Find a store; Network Status Checker ; Link back to the main Vodafone homepage.
Note: This coverage map is indicative only, and is intended to provide general guidance on where the Vodafone network and outdoor coverage is available.
Each package contains/includes unlimited talk and text, 100 minutes of international calls and mobile data that suites your needs. Stores & resellers. Það byggir á tölvugerðri útbreiðsluspá sem gefur almennt nokkuð rétta mynd af raunverulegum móttökustyrk hvers kerfis. Errors in the input data, like geo data and network information can of course be a cause for error in some cases.
Vodafone has stores and resellers across the country for further support. Our coverage checker was last updated on {{covUpdateTime}} and network status information refreshes every fifteen minutes.
Vodafone has the right solutions for you while travelling in Iceland. gefur ekki endilega til kynna hver gæði eða hraði gagnatengingar getur verið, þar sem ýmsir aðrir tæknilegir þættir geta haft áhrif á hann.The map shows the predicted coverage for each mobile network. Vodafone has extensive 4G coverage in Iceland. Hafa ber þó í huga að um er að ræða spá og því þarf að hafa fyrirvara á því að It is produced in a software that is especially designed for this kind of work. Coverage may vary depending on your exact location and the type of device used. 2G/3G coverage. Vodafone locations and resellers. eins og landupplýsingakerfum og upplýsingum um senda, þó svo að leitast sé við að upplýsingarnar séu eins réttar og kostur er.Öll kerfin bjóða upp á gagnatengingu og er mesti hraðinn jafnan á 4G kerfinu en til að tengjast því þarf viðeigandi notendabúnað. Easy activation and top-up and available in nine languages.
Vodafone Iceland is licensed to operate fully under the label of Vodafone, without being the property of Vodafone Group.