You will have a better time sniping with Details of these recommended weapons can be found below.The M4A1 is still one of the easiest to use and versatile weapons in the game, despite numerous balancing and changes. Its semi-auto firing speed limits its ability in close quarters however and makes missing shots painful. With 0.097s TTK to the Head and .194s TTK to the Chest. Its explosive rounds sounds good on paper but is held back by the weapon's poor handling. Note that this weapon is basically mirrored after the Israeli Galil Assault Rifle.The CR-56 AMAX is available at Tier 31 in the Season 4 Battlepass and it has a weapon max level of 68. With Season 4 of Modern Warfare & Warzone is the release of the CR-56 AMAX Assault Rifle. Its 5.56 upgrade gives it more damage and range and is worth it for the longer Warzone combat. How to level guns up fast in Modern Warfare and Warzone The gold standard: Hardcore Shipment. If you're a new player getting into Modern Warfare via its free-to-play Battle Royale mode, Warzone, then chances are that your weapons are not leveled up right away. FAL's accuracy & high damage over long distance allows it to handle targets at range with ease, a good feature to have in the wide Warzone maps. Image(Optional) Warzone | Call of Duty Modern Warfare It also takes at least 25 rounds of gameplay to unlock if you didn't do so in the last season, so some grinding is needed. Another benefit is that there's no flinch when being shot at unlike most sniper & marksman rifle. Includes updated guides for Warzone best guns like the Uzi, loadouts, weapon attachments & setups! Modern Warfare’s multiplayer is far more fast-paced and results in you racking up kills at a much faster rate. Oden has one of the highest single shot assault rifle damage in the game, though kept in check by a slower fire rate. Season 5 has started from August 5, 2020, unveiling 3 new weapons. After the 3/25 update, 4 new weapons can now be found in the loot of Warzone: These 4 guns can be found in both Common and Uncommon rarity, meaning that there will come with different attachments. *Offensive, insulting or inappropriate use of forum may lead to ban/restriction. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. So, guns with a high accuracy, or low recoil are considered. Use your preferred weapon to bump up its level incredibly quickly.Another way to level up weapon levels quickly is to use 2XP Weapon Level tokens. Infographic #1 – General Overview of the CR-56 AMAX weapon information with stats, attachment unlock levels, loadouts and camo requirements. We recommend not using this weapon for Warzone game modes. While not strictly a weapon, Riot Shield's ability to block incoming rounds makes it a great tool for your team providing many tactical use. MP7 is fairly abundant as loot in Warzone and has good handling, fast firing rate and a decent magazine size of 40. Call of Duty Modern Warfare His favourite Call of Duty title is Modern Warfare 2. It can pick people off at range while being able to dominate up close with its pure damage potential. While all the weapons in Call of Duty: Warzone have similar attachments available, each weapon has a different maximum level cap. While a decent upgrade to the starting A semi-auto Marksman Rifle, EBR-14 can be a good ranged weapon to have but it's hard-kicking recoil means that its not a weapon for everyone. Thanks to the low recoil and large magazine size, you can keep your finger squeezed on the trigger whilst reliably hitting your shots! The weapon has a relatively low recoil due to its hyperburst feature, allowing players to keep their shots on target.