He is a cofounder of RS Therapeutics Inc., a foam-based topical drug delivery company.FUNCTION OF COVID-19 RNA PROBES SUCCESSFULLY CONFIRMED IN PROTOTYPE TESTINGBy submitting the form you agree to our privacy policy.
Vektor holds a number of valid narcotics licences pursuant to EU GMP certification and other governing regulations: Import Permit for drug dosage forms; Import Permit for cannabis; Manufacturing Permit for clinical samples; Manufacturing Permit for final drug product release; Analytical Permit for chemical and physical testing; Permit to handle narcotic drugs; and a Permit to handle animal tissue. Dr. Löbenberg’s research interests are in biopharmaceutics to predict the oral performance of drugs and botanicals and inhalable nanoparticles to treat lung diseases such as lung cancer, tuberculosis or leishmanasis. Specific cannabis applications with prospective commercial viability will be pursued via separate joint research projects on a case-by-case basis.XPhyto Laboratories Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of XPhyto Therapeutics Corp., provides certified third party analytical testing (cannabinoids, heavy metals, pesticides, etc.) Löbenberg’s recent notable positions include: president of the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014 to 2015; vice chair of the United States Pharmacopeia Dietary Supplement Expert Committee 2016 to 2017; current member of the United States Pharmacopeia Dietary Supplement Expert Committee; current vice chair of the Specialty Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Pharmaceutics of the World Foundation of Chinese Medicine Science; and current member of the Health Canada Scientific Advisory Committee on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology and the Scientific Advisory Panel on Opioid Analgesic Abuse.Get the latest news and press releases straight to your inbox – Nachrichten zur Aktie XPhyto Therapeutics Corp Registered Shs Reg S | A2PPTN | CA98421R1055 You can unsbscribe anytime.This website uses cookies and third party services. 3a is a research-based biotechnology company located approximately 50 kilometers southeast of Stuttgart, Germany, specializing in the development, production, and marketing of point-of-care test systems.
Über XPhyto Therapeutics Corp. XPhyto ist ein breit aufgestelltes biowissenschaftliches Unternehmen und verfügt über strategische Assets und Investitionen in den Bereichen der nächsten Generation von Medikamentenverabreichungs- und Schnelltestsystemen für Krankheitserreger sowie im Bereich medizinisches Cannabis mit Schwerpunkt auf den europäischen Märkten. April 2020) - XPhyto Therapeutics Corp. (CSE:XPHY / FSE:4XT / OTC:XPHYF) ("XPhyto" oder das "Unternehmen") freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass XPhytos hundertprozentige deutsche Tochtergesellschaft Vektor Pharma TF GmbH ("Vektor") im Zusammenhang mit ihrer Pressemitteilung vom 20. The XPhyto team is initially focused on formulation of sleep, pain management and dermatological applications as well as novel drug delivery methods.XPhyto’s wholly owned German subsidiary, Bunker Pflanzenextrakte GmbH, has signed an exclusive cannabis R&D agreement with the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Preliminary testing will include analysis of the chemical-physical suitability of the cannabis derived materials for use in various food and beverages. Futhermore Bunker Pflanzenextrakte GmbH, has entered into an exclusive cannabis research and development agreement with the chair of brewing and beverage technology at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan. Über XPhyto Therapeutics Corp. XPhyto ist ein Cannabisunternehmen der nächsten Generation, das sich auf die Formulierung, die klinische Validierung und die … Pursuant to the Agreement, initial research will focus on the identification and development of new research approaches targeting potential commercial applications for the use and inclusion of cannabis plants, parts thereof, or derived ingredients, active ingredients and flavours for the production of beverages, food and dietary supplements.