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I put it down to bad luck, took the decoder out and ran the loco this weekend on analogue. There will be an audible acknowledgment from the engine at the end of the reset sequence (usually 3 toots of the whistle/horn). This function is non-intrusive, that is, you don't have to use this feature at all. I have a very similar Zimo decoder in a Roco ÖBB 2143. Resetting a decoder will change the address back to the default of 3. I have just purchased a Zimo MX644D sound decoder from Digitrains and have a problem with the lighting. There will be an audible acknowledgment at the end of the reset process. B�? As MX617, with 6-pin plug as per NEM651, mounted on the circuit board.. As MX617, with 8-pin plug as per NEM652 on 70mm … Try the decoder on the main line using address 3 to be sure everything is okay. <> ( rated for modern 7mm motors) I now have hard wired eight O gauge locos with Mashima 1833, Maxon and Sagami motors using the 645 and all perform brilliantly. When set to the forward position I get headlights and tail lights as normal but cab lights blink on every second or so rather than coming on properly. The reset is entirely handled by the decoder. Daher muss die Zentrale die CVs direkt setzen, Geräte wie die MS2 oder die Multimaus, die vor dem Programmieren grundsätzlich die CV auslesen, können nicht verwendet werden.Die Aktion ist natürlich nur dann von Erfolg gekrönt, wenn sich lediglich die Software des Decoders "verschluckt" hat. The command station is prohibited from sending packets with addresses from 100 to 127 for a period of 20mS following the reset packet, unless the intention is to enter Some material, such as the cheat sheet and other details, taken from No Warranties Express or Implied. 4 0 obj If a … (2) Load the latest version of the decoder s/w into the decoder. ��]*��ԯ˫�����I�]N{kI���Cʌ�k,��Q>鋱������g�z>��y�vf��s[�-h%_���4����TR�����u�/��ut� QN�S���۵=%3��:(��(�֙r��T�� TV��y�Q? You may have to reset it several times, removing power between each reset to get it to respond. If there is no "wand" then open the engine or access hatch and find the reset jumper. You can then go ahead and set the loco number as you desire and/or reprogram other CV’s. If the decoder doesn't reset when programming on the main, attempt it on a Tilt locomotive to one side to disconnect from track power, wait 7 seconds to reset decoder. Will resetting a Zimo sound decoder (cv8 = 8 ) reset the cv's to the default values as programmed by the sound file (digitrains digisound class24) or to the manufacturers defaults messing up the sound? Subminiature-Decoder, with reduced Fu Mapping ZIMO characteristics; TYPICAL APPLICATION: Vehicles in N, H0e, H0m. yL �_ET�P� U0#��F}Y �-AY��'!�R�ұ���5�W��8���}��=��u�����G�k{���v8��585�"N�58�R8��[�z���v��N��

Not every decoder uses the same This mode allows you to program a decoder no matter what state it is in. Since there are a number of options, and the process varies depending on the command station, please read the QSI decoders have a different reset procedure. Remove the jumper and restore the track power. Decoder reset lets you reset all CV values to the initial factory settings. Writing the following values to CV8 will do a reset (a value of 8 is needed) or only reset groups of CVs. Basically, there are 4 steps, all done in the ZIMO Sound Programmer (ZSP) software with the loco containing the decoder on the programming track :- (1) Make sure ZSP is up-to-date. Pour cela il faut entrer certaines valeurs dans une CV en particulier.

Z��e/�UK8GE�MS�|T��,J�~��Ĕ� �\,C�����W��2 3��l��Ǭ?z�e����D�5�WY.��N�P ��h)�rlF�]��C^Q�?�� ��D�T/��KW͆�;t�Iw�lN��� �SZ���t��2���A-��T����/�F4'�L�?�>1����ۓc�ߞԠ����x� *�V��C�l.�Jd���A��_"�NG�^r�ta��Z����]٦�u�mlS���0VD����w�r��h:�q�.a� t/��� ^o�������Gw��Av=̺K�D�0 (3) Re-save the sound project using the latest version of ZSP. Some use a magnetic “wand” for the reset. Il est également possible de réaliser un HARD RESET. As the decoder in the engine resets you will hear an audible response, the horn may sound three times, or it may talk to you. The whistle/horn is often sounded three times. endobj Wenn nichts mehr geht Hard Reset bei Zimo-Decodern. The CV list is in addition to the operating instructions for ZIMO decoder. To locate the internal reset (reed) switch, place the engine on active track. The only necessary tools to activate this function is a method in which you can program various CVs. It has been rock solid since I reprogrammed it after purchase, but it took several resets to get it's attention before it would respond to the CV changes I made. I ask this as I was using JMRI DecoderPro3 to set the volume and change the functions for the lighting when the computer crashed and now the sound of the PM isn't as expected, no change …

Manchmal kann es zu Problemen kommen, bei denen Zimo-Decoder nicht mehr reagieren, sich scheinbar nicht mehr programmieren, updaten oder besounden lassen. Check the manual that came with the locomotive. *� TYPCIAL APPLICATION: Vehicles in N, HOe and HOm. 1) Décodeur LENZ: Ecrire la valeur 33 dans la CV8, 2) Décodeur ESU : Ecrire la valeur 8 dans la CV8, 3) Décodeur ZIMO : Ecrire la valeur 8 dans la CV8, Auslesen) ausgeführt werden. endobj If there is no “wand” then open the engine or access hatch and find the reset jumper. stream Replace the jumper and test out using address 3. Bei mir war das hin und wieder der Fall, wenn ich Sound-Decoder mit sehr alter Firmware geupdatet habe, z.B. The decoder reset process is not part of the NMRA DCC Standard. x��}_s�6��{����hNYc�A�I�ʖ��oŎ�v��u΃bK��:�V�����/� ��ٽIIq�F�ٿF�� �޻�yq��f��7w��ܜ�~w�f����˫�������޾�xv�������������_u��0�������_�Mc�g���V��Nw���~�U�Zl�����WG��o^����zh� ��v��T�~u������5G�������?:�ʣ���>��kxcl`����Uae�+��NDe��2��0? When resetting the decoder, it may respond by flashing the lights or tooting the horn.

�p�\ԕ��m������yF^��Q�'Nt� If a “wand” is used, locate the internal reed switch and place the “wand” over it for a moment. %���� 6��k�S�N��F�ɂwj׳�,xG�KW��%�zxf>}�N��UW���:.�)�wa��K�j��qmuG��(���{V ����*�+.v��S��늢�Q���v����v���+_�߉\�P���Z�f�]�+q�v���Xb����i���y��t�������6���w�}�m�~���~��� -R4�ܵ�X��` ��P�����Lo\n�f��N������Z���VXCF�P�I6iSf[4!�n��ԫ��O_l��K������8:}�UG����r�k5X���x�D;�Sj� �s�E�����ؘѱ D͛~�1*�ƀO��o�_Ͽ�V�U;�K�c9Q��k��X�>h�������Ҙ�y�u!�?Յbf�<4;�+����v����rL�$jѤ9�e��{�����-g<9%w\�7�*�Y�s���*P�%8��� �N�r�ȌP���c!�g