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Used in: Nightmare muspah pouch: Uses: Used to create a Nightmare muspah pouch to assist in the training of the Divination skill. I'm not claiming this is the most efficient or best way/setup for it, but I hope it gives those searching reddit an idea of what they are aiming for. On top of that, your cost actually decreases because a siphon is much cheaper than a T70 or T75 weapon now after the siphon material change, meaning you have to spend less each time you reach level 10 on your weapon.

They are primarily used as an assistance familiar with the Divination skill. The depositing of memories works as such when using the 'Convert to enhanced experience' option: Survivability was never an issue unless ovl dropped.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castLooks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser.

All I know is it worked well enough for me.Thanks for this!

By siphoning from the nox staff, you cut the xp in half from the weapon, meaning your weapon is now effectively 0.75x the xp of each armor piece. This increase in kill speed already puts the inventor xp of siphoning on par with that of disassembling the T70 or T75 staff. You also want to bamk the dragon maces. Nightmare Muspah. Summoning the Nightmare muspah gives 16 experience and costs 100 Summoning points. Sustain and tank, I.did 60-117 with crystal staff, shadow blitz and gano.

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. I could find some short guides on how to do it, but nothing that spoke of a complete setup. It can be made into ten Siphon self … My setup was Corruption Blast > Dragon's Breath > Chain > Combust > Sonic Wave > Sacrifice. ).If you are using the penance aura you don't need to bring super restores just bring brew flasks.Supreme runic accuracy is the weakest of the lot, need to pick up some sharks once in a while but overall not too bad.You can last for around 1 and a half hour using this method, ice nihil will only lasts for a little bit under that, i don't think it's worth bringing an extra pouch.Always check your armour/weapon levels and apply the above stament, whether or not to bring extra pieces, if you bring extra pieces remove some super restores/brew flasks!Scrimshaws are not worth it, don't bother spending the extra 1M gp per trip!Use tirannwn quiver for the prayer bonus, virtus boots/gloves can be swapped with subjugation but i prefer the extra prayer bonus, it does help a lot!Tectonic mask is 2m~ and lasts for around 30 hours or so, totally worth it!It's actually more efficient to use an Augmented Noxious Staff at muspahs.

It costs a few million up front, but at the end I was looking at ~53m in rune ore. 9001 disassembles noted items, and isn't really needed here. If using Prayer Potions, pot at ~550 prayer left.Without any prayer stalling effect, these are the "worst" auras. If you're using the Enlightened Perk, try and match the same perk on both armor pieces so they level up at the same rate; I hadn't, and it became anoying to have to exit the area to siphon one piece only to do it again 15 minutes later. The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed.
Although siphoning yields 50% less xp from the item, the weapon only accounts for 3/7 of your total xp/hour in inventor (this comes from the fact that 2h weapons level up at 1.5x the rate of armor but there are 2 armor pieces, so the weapon accounts for 1.5/3.5 of the xp you get per hour). Try and get Efficient on your armor to reduce drain rate. Supplements Spring Cleaner 9000 by banking whatever rune items it doesnt break down for you.

Finally, what's most convenient from switching to the Nox staff is the fact that your damage is high enough with just soul split, allowing you to use cheaper spells such as smoke spells (since fire runes are 150+ gp each) and allowing you to not worry about picking up shark drops. They are classified as a beast of burden and will store up to 32 divine energies and divine memories, in a similar fashion to the abyssal familiars which can only store Pure essence. I have no idea what the gp/h and gear exp/h is for gear of that level.