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It was released on 2 October 2009 in the UK, and on 16 February 2010 in the United States and Canada.

In the years since it’s inception, the band has taken GOTR around the globe with weekend Stopovers in England, Ireland, the U.S. and Australia.“…the band is smack in the middle of its most fertile creative period to date”“…remain capable of recording radio-ready earworms that challenge expectations…while still retaining the major qualities that made them superstars in the first place” – “…their most drastic expansion in creative scope yet, both sonically and lyrically.” – “…finds the band branching out sonically, though it is still decidedly Mumford & Sons in the expert and engaging songwriting” – “A muted, meaningful meditation on change and its results” – “…an uplifting anthem that is guaranteed to get fists pumping in the arenas that Mumford & Sons will be headlining.” – “Any album this epic in scope is, at very least, worthy of their reputation.”“When the band do let their guard down, the effects are immediate…they create something honestly affecting” – “Dark and thrilling, this is their best album yet” – “For a group that refuses to be defined by their past, “…a new sonic direction for the band in its incorporation of electronic touches and spacey atmospherics” –