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At a glance Board of Directors The Investment Manager. Discover this section. At a glance Board of Directors The Investment Manager. Wir kommen daher für das langfristige Stimmungsbild zum Gesamtergebnis "Hold".3. Damit kommt die Redaktion zu dem Befund, dass Seedo hinsichtlich der Stimmung als "Buy" eingestuft werden muss.2. Please sign in or register.Data delayed at least 20 minutes, as of Aug 21 2020 16:35 BST.All markets data located on is subject to the All content on is for your general information and use only and is not intended to address your particular requirements. Data delayed at least 20 minutes, as of Aug 21 2020 16:35 BST.You must be a registered user to save alerts. Discover this section. Apax Global Alpha Limited offers its shareholders exclusive exposure to both Apax Partners' Private Equity funds as well as value creating opportunities in debt and equity which are not part of the Apax Funds' investment mandate known as Derived Investments. AGA's objective is to provide shareholders with capital appreciation from its investment portfolio and regular dividends.

To access the website please select "Enter Site" and read the Terms of Use below Für die Apax Global Alpha-Aktie beträgt dieser aktuell 151,61 GBP. AGA offers exposure to Apax Private Equity Funds as well as value creating opportunities in debt and equity which are not part of the Apax Funds' investment mandate. The latest Apax Global Alpha Limited share price (APAX).

Ticker:APAX. Fonds Check 22. Apax Global Alpha is said to offer unique, liquid exposure to the expertise of Apax Partners (Apax), a leading global private equity firm. Damit erhält das Wertpapier eine "Hold"-Bewertung für den 7-Tage-RSI. Share price information may be rounded up/down and therefore not entirely accurate. It is regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission. AGA is a Guernsey registered closed-ended collective investment scheme incorporated as a non-cellular company that listed on the London Stock Exchange on 15 June 2015. Ticker:APAX. Zusammen erhält das Seedo-Wertpapier damit ein "Hold"-Rating in diesem Abschnitt.Wie wird sich Seedo nach der Corona-Krise weiter entwickeln? Investment portfolio. Insgesamt 4 Faktoren führen zu den einzelnen Einschätzungen als "Buy", "Hold" oder "Sell".

Discover this section. Ticker:APAX.

We accept no liability for the result of any action taken on the basis of the Information or for any loss from use of this webpage.London Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange coat of arm device are trademarks of London Stock Exchange plc. Investment portfolio. (we are aware of one other company, Altamir, that also offers access to Apax funds but possibly not the same ones).

Apax Global Alpha Limited is a United Kingdom-based closed-ended investment company. Der letzte Schlusskurs (153,4 GBP) liegt damit auf ähnlichem Niveau (+1,18 Prozent Abweichung im Vergleich). Investment portfolio. Die Rate der Stimmungsänderung weist unserer Messung nach kaum Änderungen auf. The Company's investment objective is to provide shareholders with capital appreciation from its investment portfolio and regular dividends. Investment portfolio.

Unsere Analysten haben Seedo auf sozialen Plattformen betrachtet und gemessen, dass die Kommentare bzw. Sentiment und Buzz: Das Internet kann Stimmungen verstärken oder sogar drehen. FT is not responsible for any use of content by you outside its scope as stated in the The Financial and Risk business of Thomson Reuters is now Private equity investment group, Apax Partners, invest in leveraged and management buy-outs, and growth capital. No responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of the LSE for any errors, omissions, or inaccurate Information on this webpage.No action should be taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon information on this webpage.

Apax Global Alpha Limited announced initial public offering of Duck Creek Technologies Inc, a provider of SaaS-delivered enterprise software to the property and casualty insurance industry.

Investment portfolio. AGA offers exposure to Apax Private Equity Funds as well as value creating opportunities in debt and equity which are not part of the Apax Funds' investment mandate.

Damit erhält die Aktie für diese Betrachtung die Einstufung "Buy". Investment portfolio.