It contains 43,000,000 cubic metres (56,000,000 cu yd) of material. errichtet wurde diente in christlicher Zeit als Kirche.…Der Tempel von Derr wurde im 13. Egyptian Drainage Research Institute, DRI, yearbook 1995/1996M.S.Abdel-Dayem, 1987. Navigation along the river has been improved, both upstream and downstream of the dam. Eine Möglichkeit wäre, dass…Die um 200 v. Chr. When the High Dam first reached peak output it produced around half of Egypt's production of electric power (about 15 percent by 1998), and it gave most Egyptian villages the use of electricity for the first time. Because of this and the increased presence of nutrients from fertilizers in the water, more algae grow in the Nile. The reservoir storage capacity is 162 kmBefore the construction of the High Dam, the 50,000 km of irrigation and drainage canals in Egypt had to be dredged regularly to remove sediments. Dulles was angered more by Nasser's Several other factors contributed to the US deciding to withdraw its offer of funding for the dam. 26 Grad Celsius.
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Before the High Dam was built, even with the old dam in place, the annual The earliest recorded attempt to build a dam near Aswan was in the 11th century, when the Arab polymath and engineer The British began construction of the first dam across the Nile in 1898. mit UNESCO-Mitteln erbaut, 1998 eröffnet und widmet sich der Geschichte und…Der Isis-Tempel, der sich ursprünglich auf einer Insel befand, die in den Fluten eines Assuan-Staudamm-Zwischenbeckens…Im Süden der Insel sind die Reste der 5000 Jahre alten Siedlung Yebu und antike Tempelruinen zu sehen. Assuan liegt an der Südostseite einer Flussbiegung des Nils, etwa 13 Kilometer nördlich des 5250 km² großen Die Stadt Assuan verdankt ihre Bedeutung der Lage unterhalb des ersten Katarakts des Nils. Eine wichtige Bedeutung hatte Assuan im Altertum auch als Lieferant von Ab der Zeit der griechischen Ptolemäer wurde der Ort Im Jahr 1902 ging der alte, von den Engländern erbaute, zwei Kilometer lange Nur wenige Monumente der antiken Stadt sind im modernen Stadtbild erhalten geblieben. Chr.) The field irrigation efficiencies are much less, but the losses are reused downstream. Von hier aus war der Fluss in Richtung Am östlichen Nilufer, gegenüber der Insel Elephantine, verläuft die Von der mittelalterlichen arabischen Altstadt im östlichen Teil der Innenstadt sind nur noch geringe Baureste in schlechtem Zustand auszumachen. The High Dam has also improved the efficiency and the extension of the Old Aswan Hydropower stations by regulating upstream flows.In Egypt, the majority of the 50,000 Nubians were moved three to ten kilometers from the Nile near In 2019–20, Egypt started to compensate the Nubians who lost their homes following the dam impoundment.22 monuments and architectural complexes that were threatened by flooding from Lake Nasser, including the These monuments were granted to countries that helped with the works: During summer when evaporation was highest, the groundwater level was too deep to allow salts dissolved in the water to be pulled to the surface through Contrary to many predictions made prior to the Aswan High Dam construction and publications that followed, that the prevalence of Sediment deposited in the reservoir is lowering the water storage capacity of Lake Nasser. The Aswan Dam, or more specifically since the 1960s, the Aswan High Dam, is the world's largest embankment dam built across the Nile in Aswan, Egypt, between 1960 and 1970.Its significance largely eclipsed the previous Aswan Low Dam initially completed in 1902 downstream. The coastline erodes an estimated 125–175 m (410–574 ft) per year.Before the construction of the High Dam, groundwater levels in the Nile Valley fluctuated 8–9 m per year with the water level of the Nile.