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On this basis, students acquire subject-specific as well as interdisciplinary and practical skills. You will benefit from the university's unique expertise in African affairs, but the study programme is not limited to this one global area.

Mögliche Arbeitgeber sind:Um einen reibungslosen Zulassungsprozess zu ermöglichen, bitten wir Sie, Ihre Unterlagen bis spätestens 15. View the best master degrees here! 30 LP umfassen (siehe MA in Development Studies, at University of Bayreuth in , .

The Chair of Epistemologies of the Global South at the University of Bayreuth invites applications for a part-time position (50 %) for a Doctoral Researcher (m/f/d) in the Study of Decolonization and Epistemologies of the Global South to commence on 1 October 2020 or as soon as possible after this date. In Finland, development studies exists as a separate discipline only at the University of Helsinki, where it is a well-established social science.

Here you have the chance to look at “development” from different perspectives, to link methodological and theoretical approaches, and to detect connections between social, political, and spatial conditions. Application form Master Development Studies this will be available as an Excel sheet on CAMPUSonline; Curriculum vitae find out more; Grade conversion using the Bavarian Formula this will be available as an Excel sheet on CAMPUSonline; Language certificate ENGLISH level C1 find out more - min.

List your programs Use our website to find information about degrees and career paths from around the world and speak directly with admissions officers at the schools and universities that interest you.

BEWERBUNG Nicht-EU-Staatsangehörigkeit; Zeitraum. Bayreuth Können ÖkonomInnen helfen?

Nach einer Regelstudienzeit von meist vier Semestern erhältst du je nach Schwerpunkt dann den Hochschulabschluss Master of Arts oder Master of Science. Somit werden Sie komplexe Entwicklungsprozesse besser verstehen und beurteilen können.Die Universitäten Bayreuth und Bordeaux Montaigne bieten pro Jahr drei Studierenden des MA Development Studies mit dem Schwerpunkt Geographie die Möglichkeit, einen Das internationale Tätigkeitsfeld für Entwicklungsspezialistinnen und -spezialisten ist weitverzweigt und öffnet sich durch die steigende wirtschaftliche und politische Bedeutung des Globalen Südens immer weiter. Studiengang. During your studies, you will gain the ability to analyze development problems and processes of global and local change, to discuss them in consideration of theories from the social sciences and economics, and to apply them in practice as part of a project focusing unit of study.The program of study combines courses in development sociology and politics, geography, and economics. Programmes will start in November 2020 and, if required, teaching online and then change to on-campus learning.Processes of development, change, and globalization in Latin America, Asia, and Africa are playing an increasingly important global role in this day and age. The interdisciplinary master’s program “Development Studies” addresses the causes, conditions, and consequences of such processes. Auswahl verfeinern International Development Studies Start. Equally, three places are offered to students of ‘Géographie – Études du Développement’ in Bordeaux. Master of Arts. The University of Bayreuth’s research focus on Africa and its diverse research on the Global South give you access to extensive expertise. Durch den Afrikaschwerpunkt der Bayreuther Universität und die vielfältigen Forschungen zum Globalen Süden können Sie auf umfangreiches Fachwissen zugreifen. We have temporarily modified programmes to virtual learning classrooms, so that all the scheduled teaching can take place online. MASTERSTUDIES makes it easy for graduate students to find the right degree. Die Universitäten Bayreuth und Bordeaux Montaigne bieten pro Jahr drei Studierenden des MA Development Studies mit dem Schwerpunkt Geographie die Möglichkeit, einen Doppelabschluss zu erwerben.
