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The European Commission provides humanitarian assistance to people in need, through UN agencies and other international organizations, in full respect of the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence. the access to quality health services, capacity building of relevant authorities and training staff.

Vertrauliche Dokumente zeigen, dass die EU darüber nachdenkt, sie schon in Libyen zu stoppen - ein entsprechender Deal wird vorbereitet. Further compounding their desire to leave is the drop in economic opportunities in Libya, which just until three years ago hosted between 1.3 and 1.7 million economic migrants, a figure that is now estimated to average around 700,000.

Since theEU-China Strategic Dialogue: Remarks by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell at the press conference Check against delivery!

Der griechische Außenminister Nikos Dendias war Anfang Dezember nach Kairo gereist, um seinerseits Gespräche mit Ägypten über eine Absteckung der jeweiligen exklusiven Wirtschaftszonen im östlichen Mittelmeer zu führen.Wenn die Regierung in Tripolis darum bittet, könnten türkische Soldaten kommen, erklärte der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Ähnlich äußerte sich am Mittwoch Martin Kobler, Uno-Sonderbotschafter für Libyen. According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), 45% of those who pass through this route meet European standards for refugee status. Der menschenverachtende Deal der EU mit Libyen . EULPC's prime objective is to provide local support and liaison to other EU actors, primarily to the EU Delegation to Libya, EUBAM Libya and EUNAVFORMED Operation Sophia. They discussed the welcomed normalisation of relations between Israel and the UAE and High Representative/Vice-President Borrell reiterated the EU's position

Sonntag soll der vorläufige Höhepunkt der Proteste in Belarus für freie Wahlen und den Rücktritt des Präsidenten Lukaschenko sein. The IOM and the UNHCR are also carrying out protection and assistance in detention centres, at disembarkation points and in the host communities.The EU aims also to improve the living conditions of migrants and host communities along the migratory routes and funds the dedicated programmes on the stabilisation of municipalities. Safe and legal channels for asylum seekers can be built, further reducing the numbers of those who use smugglers.Of course, these are all policies that respond to the stated EU goal of destroying the business model of smugglers. The EU is the biggest donor of humanitarian aid and provides bilateral assistance, with measures tailored to the needs of the Libyan people in the areas of governance, health, civil society, youth and education, mediation and stability. The deal does not formally establish a policy of pushbacks, this is what Italy did under Berlusconi when it was finally deemed illegal by EU courts. Zudem seien die Boote "durchschnittlich mit weniger Treibstoff, Lebensmitteln und Wasser" ausgestattet. Auf Facebook teilen. The EU’s deal with Libya is sentencing refugees to death This article is more than 1 year old. The Mission supports the Libyan authorities in the areas of border management, law enforcement and criminal justice in: a) the development of a broader border management framework in Libya, including a maritime security strategy, through capacity delivery and implementing projects; b) capacity building and strategic planning within the Interior Ministry on law enforcement; c) institutional reform and providing strategic planning assistance to the Justice Ministry and broader capacity building for relevant criminal justice actors; and d) through a strategic coordination and project cell capacity.

I am in daily contact with people in Libyan detention centres. Flüchtlingsgipfel auf Malta: EU und Afrika einigen sich auf Aktionsplan


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Migranten in Libyen: EU denkt über Auffanglager in Afrika nachIn der EU gibt es Planungen, den befürchteten Zustrom von Migranten aus Nordafrika mit drastischen Maßnahmen zu verhindern. Whether it will work and whether it will respect migrants’ rights, as stated in the Council’s final communiqué, is an open question with the answer likely to be no.This new agreement has been compared to the 2016 EU-Turkey deal, but if the agreement with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan raised some questions over the respect of the human rights of migrants, in Libya’s case the violations of basic rights are almost certain and the doubts about implementation are more than legitimate.This is not really an EU-Libya deal, rather the EU endorsement of a bilateral memorandum of understanding between Italy and the Presidency Council of Libya headed by Faiez Serraj. Wie die heikle Kooperation mit Libyen funktionieren soll, ist noch unklar.

This was the 10th annual Strategic Dialogue between the European Union and China toUAE: High Representative/Vice-President Borrell speaks to Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell had a phone call on 17 August with the UAE Foreign Minister, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed.

For Rome, this is the result of the lack of solidarity from European partners in managing the 2016 flow of 180,000 migrants from Libya. Der EU-Gipfel in Brüssel erklärt das Memorandum jetzt für illegal.Die Präsidenten der Türkei und Libyens, Erdogan (2. v. r.) und al-Sarradsch (2. v. l.), im November in IstanbulDie EU-Staaten haben ein Seeabkommen zwischen der Türkei und Libyen scharf kritisiert.

It is not far fetched to thinkthat the more the Libyan Coast Guard will be able to rescue migrants in Libyan territorial waters and lock them up in detention centers, the lower the number of those who will be rescued by EU boats and processed on EU territory where they can claim asylum.

Per Email verbreiten. Auf Google+ teilen. Es bleibt die Sorge vor neuer Gewalt durch den Staat. Gebietsstreitigkeiten EU-Staaten verurteilen türkisch-libyschen Deal.