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To access the table, it has to be killed inside the Wilderness.

The super rare table can only be accessed via the rare table, and contains the most valuable drops. Wearing a ring of wealth will increase the chance of getting better gems from the rare drop table.

For the monsters that give access to the rare drop table, one of the "items" on their list of drops is actually a trigger that gives a second "roll" on another list of items: the rare drop table. When slain, some monsters have a chance to give loot from one of the rare drop tables instead of loot from their own unique drop table. When a creature is killed or a seren spirit is looted, the items it gives are chosen from a list of possible drops, which is different for each creature. When a monster is killed, there is a small chance that you will receive an item from this table in addition to a normal drop.

44,133 Pages.

While most monsters in Old School RuneScape have their own drop table, a large majority have several universal sub-tables that are called upon within their main drop table, such as the herb and rare drop table. The earliest discontinued rare items entered the game through distribution of unique tradeable items on certain holidays, including Easter, Hallowe'en, and Christmas. When a player kills a creature and accesses the rare drop table, the "dice" are thrown onto the Gem Table.

44,133 Pages. Wikis.

Seeing as we can never really confirm if an item is or is not on the rare drop table, I decided to split the list into a "Confirmed" and "Likely" list.

Items on the rare drop table Unlike the standard drop table, the rare drop table is shared by many monsters ranging from chaos druids, to lesser demons, through to most Slayer monsters and the Kalphite Queen. This guide is copyrighted by RuneHQ, and its use on other sites is expressly forbidden.

The rare drop table is actually a set of three tables, referred to as the Gem Table, the Rare Table, and the Super Rare Table.

For example during the December 2001 Christmas event Jagex dropped Christmas crackers.

The Rare Drop Table is a separate table from monsters normal drops that can … The rare table is the second level of the rare drop table, containing drops of intermediate value. Have you ever wanted to make a difference on RuneHQ?

Winners in our drop table improvement poll earlier this year, elementals are long overdue some better loot rewards. This is a secondary drop table within the rare drop table.


The God Wars Dungeon-variant rare drop tables refer to two special drop tables of items. Add new page.

Rare Drop Table - RuneScape Guide - RuneHQ Forums Higher-tier luck effects work for all tiers below it. When slain, some monsters have a chance to give loot from the rare drop table in addition to loot from their own unique drop table. If you see this guide on any other site, please report it to us so we can take legal action against anyone found stealing our content. All luck items have the ability to bring more "luck" (in terms of drops received) as you increase the quality of your lucky items. From the RuneScape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScapeThe Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on: The RuneScape Classic Wiki also has an article on: The player may get an uncut The following is a list of items on the rare drop table. When a creature is killed or a seren spirit is looted, the items it gives are chosen from a list of possible drops, which is different for each creature. Seemingly, specific monsters that have access to the rare drop table may access this table instead. The rare drop table is a special list of items. However, only Tier 4 luck will give you the possibility of receiving the

For example,

Some items (usually the less valuable ones) are more likely to be dropped than others. The following is a list of some monsters that drop many of the items found on the rare drop table. The better the tier of luck you have access, the better the loot you get from RDT (and you have a better chance to roll RDT with the right tier of luck for the monster too).

Below is the list of monsters that have access to the Rare drop table items With Slayer monsters the increased chance of unique drops does not include: pets, sirenic scales, or Ascension keystones/signets, nor are Champion's scrolls affected by luck. For example, many monsters may drop items from the rare drop table. When a creature is killed, the items it drops are chosen from a list of possible drops, which is different for each creature. Updates.

Load up on better loot this week as we improve elemental and rare drop tables.