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To start, speak to the young Fremennik child named Erjolf is excited about a finding he has discovered in the nearby Click on the flat rock near Erjolf to cross the river and head deeper inside the cave. This creature was a muspah, was the product when the Mahjarrat god combined all of his most fearsome creations into one. Erjolf instantly notices that the ice around the monster hasn't melted, even by the fire rafts, and deduces that help might be needed. Getting started Talk to Erjolf on the mountain north-east of Rellekka. Cross the bridge and bore the Sapphires into the ice. The only spot suitable is the south-westernmost end of the cave. Talk to hi… Click on the flat rock near Erjolf to cross the river and head deeper inside the cave. It's little wonder, then, that Fremennik children are always on the lookout for an easier path to adulthood, and Erjolf is no exception. After some beating around the bush, he agrees to lead you there, as long as you vow to never reveal what it is. Join him in his quest for a trophy, unravel the puzzling story of a curious corpse, and discover dark secrets of one of the most fearsome races to ever walk Gielinor. Talk to the muspah to find out that he is actually Mahjarrat have the ability to transform into another shape of being, and Jhallan has accidentally morphed into a muspah while he dreamed of it in his nightmare, expending a lot of energy in the process and making him weak.

To get there, head south-east to a 3-way junction, then west all the way to the end of the tunnel where you will reach a T-junction, and finally south to find the spot where Jhallan can hibernate. Click on the ice block (it says "Enchant-sapphires") to start the cut scene in which you free the Muspah.

Quick guides provide a brief summary of the steps needed for completion.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When the ice has thawed, the Muspah will become animated and Erjolf will run away. Experienced adventurers will be familiar with the Fremennik rite of passage, and the difficulties it presents.

Ask him about reaching the ritual caves and he'll tell you that the only way to get to there is by water. Exit the cave and go north to the hunting area, past the Looking at this depiction, he becomes shocked, saying that this is a mythical creature and that a statue of a similar construct was found in the Fortunately, he knows of a special method to melt it - you will need 4 cut Head back to the Muspah cave and mine the sapphires near the entrance, if you haven't already. To start, speak to the young Fremennik child named Erjolf is excited about a finding he has discovered in the nearby Click on the flat rock near Erjolf to cross the river and head deeper inside the cave. He will not follow you if you have a familiar summoned. Speak with Jhallan and bore the sapphires around him, then enchant the sapphires. Cross the wooden raft bridge, insert the cut sapphires into the ice block, and enchant them (use the "bore-sapphires" and "enchant-sapphires" options to do them).

The ice will melt, revealing the muspah inside; Erjolf will run away as the muspah starts to move. Join him in his quest for a trophy, unravel the puzzling story of a curious corpse, and discover dark secrets of one of the most fearsome races to ever walk Gielinor. It … Once in the city, head north following the river. Talk to the Muspah, who will turn into a … Talk to the muspah to find out that he is actually Mahjarrat have the ability to transform into another shape of being, and Jhallan has accidentally morphed into a muspah while he dreamed of it in his nightmare, expending a lot of energy in the process and making him weak. The Tale of the Muspah is a novice quest that starts the Mysteries of the Mahjarrat quest series. Agree and follow him into the cave. Craft a crude canoe and use it to travel to the Jhallan's new resting spot, with sapphires bored in.Go to the heart of the cave to find Jhallan. He tells you that the creature is a Muspah, which is a fearsome predator, combined of various creatures. Completion of The Tale of the Muspah is required for the following: Bring up the topic of clearing the ice from around the Muspah. {"difficulty":"[[File:Novice.svg|7px|Novice|link=]] Novice","kills":"None","name":"The Tale of the Muspah","items":"* 4 cut [[sapphire]]s (can be mined and cut during the quest if you have the recommended crafting level)\n* 8 [[cosmic rune]]s and 8 [[water rune]]s (or a staff which provides water runes, such as a [[water staff]]) to cast [[Enchant Level 1 Jewellery]] 8 times (or 8 [[enchant sapphire]] tablets)","start":"Talk to [[Erjolf]], who can be found north-east of [[Rellekka]], at a cave entrance halfway up the snow-covered mountain path","length":"Medium","members":true,"requirements":"*6 [[File:Firemaking-icon.png|21x21px|link=Firemaking|alt=Firemaking]] [[Firemaking]]\n\n*8 [[File:Mining-icon.png|21x21px|link=Mining|alt=Mining]] [[Mining]]\n\n*10 [[File:Magic-icon.png|21x21px|link=Magic|alt=Magic]] [[Magic]]\n\n*10 [[File:Woodcutting-icon.png|21x21px|link=Woodcutting|alt=Woodcutting]] [[Woodcutting]]\n'''Recommended:'''\n\n*20 [[File:Crafting-icon.png|21x21px|link=Crafting|alt=Crafting]] [[Crafting]] (to cut the mined sapphires)"}It is therefore an indirect requirement for the following quests and miniquests: A cutscene ensues, where you see a monster inside the block of ice.

Speak with Jhallan and bore the sapphires around him, then enchant the sapphires. Fairy ring code dksor the lodestone can be used for quicker access. Craft a crude canoe and use it to travel to the Go to the heart of the cave to find Jhallan. ( 2•2•2) Rafts of Fire Fill your inventory by taking from driftwood pile, then select Make-fireraft with them., The cave is navigable by jumping the flat rocks.

He explains that he was hibernating in ice for the Make sure to pick the 4 cut sapphires you just used, or you'll have to mine new ones! 17.