The CW. Having regained his ability to feel, Jack felt immediate remorse for Mary's death and his role in it and begged for forgiveness. Meet Jack, the son of Satan. Jack's sense of being useless also became more significant when he struggled with trying to adapt to fight like a human until his powers return and felt completely useless when he failed in adjusting to it and was unable to help in the mission to save Castiel, which led him overpowered by the demons holding Castiel prisoner. He tried to make Sam see Jack as a killer while trying to prove to Jack that the Winchesters didn't care about him. His 2014 After Castiel, Lucifer is the second most recurring angel overall but is the most recurring archangel and Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Lucifer is both angry and devastated by this, in near tears when explaining his reasoning to the Winchesters and Castiel. For example, he savagely massacred all the pagan gods (except for Kali, who was rescued and escaped), simply because they plotted against him, despite the fact that they posed no real threat to him and takes great pleasure in beating Dean for being "such a pain in (his) ass." During this time, Jack played a role in the resurrection of Castiel who he had chosen as his father. Satan - God's Very Elect will stand against Satan in the last days. Nick began killing people and felt remorse for his actions, so he prayed for Lucifer to come back and unknowingly awakened him from his eternal slumber within Lucifer was created by God billions of years ago, before even the Big Bang, he was raised by Michael and he taught Gabriel various tricks. Then he had a face to face encounter with Jesus! When Sam discovers him, Jack is now an adult and smiles menacingly at the hunter. They often glow when Jack uses his powers. When Jack killed To keep Jack safe, Billie keeps him hidden in the Empty until God leaves the Earth after recovering his full powers. You don't want to miss this amazing supernatural story! With the Apocalypse looming, Sam and Dean realize they are out of options and make heart-breaking decisions that will change their lives forever. Although he claimed to have lost his purpose after God's abandonment of him, Lucifer seems to have regained it by focusing on his son. Although repeatedly regarded as "evil" by this point, Lucifer was generous enough to keep up his promise with Lucifer expresses sorrow and anger at God's abandonment of him.Following his banishment by Rowena, Lucifer comes back vengeful against God, believing that God had only apologized to get Lucifer's help against the Darkness before abandoning him a second time. However, he also felt worthless as he couldn't stop Michael but overcame it by using his basic hunter knowledge to help out. As the second-born Archangel, he is the younger brother of Michael and the older brother of Raphael and Gabriel and the biological father to his son Jack. Lucifer's disregard for anyone but himself remains prominent as he seeks out influential humans as his vessels, eventually landing with the As Crowley's prisoner, Lucifer remains confident, humorous and fearless as he does not believe Crowley will get what he wants from him. Instead, Jack, without hesitation, attempted to sacrifice himself in an act of suicide so that Sam could live on and continue the fight with his planned last words being to tell Sam that he loves everyone.
He is the original ruler of Hell and the creator of demons, seen by them as a father figure and their god. He promised both his Gabriel criticized Lucifer, describing his actions as "one great big temper tantrum." Jack was shown to see Castiel as his father instead of Lucifer due to what Kelly had told him about Castiel. When he decided to team up with Michael, on the terms that he can have Jack while Michael can get everything else; he looked visibly conflicted by it. Initially resurrected soulless, Jack's soul is later restored by the While still in his mother's womb, Jack was shown to be aware of his surroundings. It was discovered because his grace kept his body intact, Jack's body couldn't sustain without it and he was dying. It is unknown where he was banished but he survived and was able to take possession of After escaping Asmodeus, Lucifer attempted to steal Castiel's grace only for the latter to attack him. After Castiel was resurrected and Jack met him, he was very to excited to see him and hugged his uncle. When Sam discovered Jack hiding in the corner of the room, he was visibly frightened by Jack's somewhat creepy appearance.