This could be a habitational surname for a person living near a bridge.This common French surname means ‘from the well/ hole’.This surname is French equivalent to Edward, and means a ‘prosperous guardian’.This Languedoc name is derived from the old French word This is an occupational surname for baker. Old French element. In old French, This name was first used in Auvergne a place in ancient France.This surname from Normandy derived from Germanic words This is a topographic surname who resided near hills. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for professional health services. In old French, This French surname derived from someone who lived by a granary.Originated from a place in Normandy, this name is derived from the old French word Also known as L’Anglois or Langlois, it means ‘the Englishman’.
In old French, the word This French surname is derived from the old French word It refers to someone ‘who sells or makes charcoal’.This medieval cultural name refers to a governor, constable, or the warder of a prison. This French surname is derived from Basil, which in turn, is derived from ancient Greek name Basileios that means ‘royal’. Derived from old French name This surname means a ‘good man’, where homme means a ‘man’.This word means ‘board’ or ‘plank’. The name Rue is derived from old French Also written as De Lisle, this French surname has its roots in the medieval region of l’Isle in Languedoc. Discover the ethnic origin and meaning of last names. This is derived from the old French word This is a nickname for a person with fair or light complexion. Drill down further to surnames beginning with: BEAUA BEAUB BEAUC BEAUD BEAUE BEAUF BEAUG BEAUH BEAUI BEAUJ BEAUK BEAUL BEAUM BEAUN BEAUO BEAUP BEAUQ BEAUR BEAUS BEAUT BEAUU BEAUV BEAUW BEAUX BEAUY BEAUZ Showing page 1 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 Next » This list may not reflect recent changes (). It means ‘to listen’.This is an occupational surname for a shoemaker, derived from the old French word This could be a habitational surname for someone who is from a place called Tard or could have derived from the word This is an occupational name derived from the old French word This surname is derived from the French personal name Theobald which means ‘brave’ or ‘bold’.This is an occupational surname derived from the old French word This word is an Occitan (a language spoken in southern France) variant of This surname is derived from the old German personal name This could be a habitational name from various places in northern France, which are called vaux. This is derived from the botanical name of the common hazel, Corylus avellana.This is a derivative of the word ‘badar’, which means ‘to be open-mouthed’, ‘to gape’.It is an occupational name for an attendant at a public bathhouse. "The beautiful fort." "The beautiful mountain." Your last name says a lot about where your family originated. Let us know in the comments section below.All rights reserved. The surname is derived from the French words This French surname is derived from the Latin word ‘benedictus’, which means ‘the one who says the good’.The surname has Germanic roots and means ‘bear and spear’. Geographical or habitational French surnames are based on a person’s residence, often a former residence (for example, Yvonne Marseille means Yvonne from the village of Marseille). LeBeau or Le Beau is a French surname. Baine means ‘bath’ in old French.This is derived from the baptismal name meaning the ‘son of Barbara’.This French surname is an occupational surname for barber derived from old French name This surname is derived from old high German ‘barta’ which means ‘battle axe’.This is an occupational name for a gatekeeper or someone who lived by a gate or barrier. The name is derived from a village in Haute-Loire, in the district of Puy.This is derived from the French personal name Oudet, which is a Frenchified form of the Germanic name Odo, which was in turn derived from aud meaning ‘wealth’.This name is probably a combination of a tribe called This word is derived from the old Norman French word This French surname means ‘the court’. Beau fort From Old French word. 28. The typical format of attaching a prefix or suffix meaning "son of" (e.g., Delisle means ‘of the island’.This surname means ‘from Aunay’. Beaufort is uncommon as a men's name, appearing often (TOP 25%) as a surname. There are several places in northern and eastern France with this name.This French surname is said to have originated from a nickname for a person with rosy complexion.This topographic surname, originating from Picardy in France, is given to a person residing near a hill, stream, church or a type of tree. The occupationalname originated from the Greek word Meaning ‘pigeon keeper’, the name derived from the Latin word This name is derived from Picard, a place in northern France.