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Knížectví Zeta, případně Zetské knížectví (srbsky Књажевина Зета, černohorsky Knjaževina Zeta) je historické označení pro středověký státní útvar nacházející se na Balkáně v jihovýchodní Evropě, zhruba na území současné Černé Hory, a nástupnický stát zaniklé Srbské říše.Jméno země bylo odvozeno od černohorské řeky Zety. Raška (Serbian: Рашка / Raška; Latin: Rascia) is a geographical region, covering the south-western parts of modern Serbia, and historically also including north-eastern parts of modern Montenegro. Postal je močan vladar, Bizantinci pa so želeli, da bi bila Srbija razdrobljena in zato šibka in so izgnane brate osvobodili. Talk:Zeta–Raška dialect. At its westernmost boundary, speakers of the dialect can be found along the Enclaves of the Zeta–Raška dialect are scant.

Hera's zeta is fantastic if you know how to play hera, ezra, and chopper off one another for tons of assists and buffs. This phoneme in syllable-final position becomes nasalized by speakers found along the border with Albania, notably The Zeta–Raška dialect follows the Ijekavian reflex of yat, where ě (ѣ) in Proto-Slavic became either ije, je or e, depending on length and position. This iotation is present even in words that do not have a short yat reflex, namely Iotation of -je- continues in labial consonants such as b, f, m, p and v where they undergo complete palatalization before an iotified vowel. In the Zeta–Raška dialect, dental consonants such as d, s, t and z become completely palatalized into đ, ś, ć and ź, respectively, before an iotified vowel. Ivan Kinam (okoli 1143-okoli 1200) je po bizantinski zmagi v Galiču pri Kosovski Mitrovici leta 1149 zapisal, da je bilo med ujetimi barbari V 12. in 13. stoletju je imela Dubrovniška republika veliko koristi od tega, da je postala ztgovska izpostava rastoče in uspešne srbske države, zlasti po podpisu pogodbe s Živković 2006, str. Words with a long yat reflex became pronounced as disyllabic -ije- in middle positions. [alpha].sub.m,[lambda],l]f(z, [zeta]) = z + [[infinity].summation over (j=2)]{[alpha][(1 + [lambda](j - 1) + l/l + 1).sup.m] + (1 - [alpha])[C.sup.m.sub.m+j-1]}[a.sub.j] ( S ukidanjem vizantijske uprave, Duklja (Dioklitija) i Dalmacija postaju sastavnim dijelom države Stefana Nemanje i njegovih nasljednika.

The name “Zeta,” so called after a tributary of the Morača River, was first used in the llth century. in Desa, ki je v listini iz leta 1150 omenjen kot "Leta 1153 je Desa izrinil Uroša II. The Zeta–Raška dialect (Serbo-Croatian: Zetsko–raški dijalekat / Зетско–рашки дијалекат) is a subdialect of the Štokavian dialect of Serbo-Croatian. The phoneme, transcribed here as ä, can be pronounced as either /ɛ/ or /æ/, depending on the region. Vyrn: Look who's talking. We're not the ones wearing bright red armor that makes us look like tomatoes. Raska as a settlement was first mentioned in 1835, and the town of Raska was proclaimed at the session of the State Council of the Principality of Serbia on September 6, 1845, at the proposal of politicians and statesman Ilija Garašanin. Nemanja ga je pri Pantinu prepičljivo porazil, Tihomir pa je utonil v bližnji reki.

0. Raška je bila srednovjekovna država Srba i sinonim je za ranu Srbiju. Jump to navigation Jump to search. In the Middle Ages, the region was a center of the Serbian Principality and of the Serbian Kingdom, whose capital was the city of Ras (a World Heritage Site), from the 11th to the 13th century. Duklja se je medtem razvila v dominantno srbsko kneževino, ki so jo Bizantinci imenovali Srbija.Leta 1091 ali 1092 je postal Vukan neodvisen vladar in se začel naslavljati z "veliki knez" (Vukan je začel okoli leta 1090 vdirati na bizantinsko ozemlje na področju Leta 1094 ali 1095 ga je Aleksej ponovno napadel, Vukan pa mu je ponovno ponudil mir in dvajset talcev, vključno s svojima sinovoma Urošem in Štefanom.Okoli leta 1127 je izbruhnila bizantinsko-ogrska vojna, v kateri so Ogri osvojili Uroš I. je imel z Ano Diogeniso, vnukinjo bizantinskega cesarja Balkan je bil tik pred izbruhom velike vojne: Uroš II.
Srpska država Raška, odnosno Velikožupanska Srbija, je bila jedna od srpskih srednjovekovnih država, koja je postojala od sredine 11. do početka 13. veka. U naselju Raška živi 5.195 punoletnih stanovnika, a prosečna starost stanovništva iznosi 38,9 godina (38,0 kod muškaraca i 39,8 kod žena). Short yat also transforms into -i- before vowel o, usually seen in verbs where the masculine active past participle in Proto-Slavic ends in *-ěl (later forming Proto-Western South Slavic *-ěo). From 1929 to 1941, Raška was part of the Zeta Banovina of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Zeta eventually came to be called Montenegro.All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. One enclave is in In the standard varieties of Serbo-Croatian, certain verbs carry the -ao ending for the active past participle in the masculine gender.